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Press Release

Confidence of Learning Executives Drops in Q2 2013


Thu Jul 25 2013

Confidence of Learning Executives Drops in Q2 2013

Learning executives’ optimism and confidence about the outlook and expectations for the training function fell in the second quarter of 2013, according to the latest measurement by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). The current Learning Executive Confidence Index (LXCI) surveyed 359 learning executives (LXs) about their expectations in these areas: ability to meet learning needs; perception of the value of learning; and availability of resources. It is modeled on the CEO Confidence Indices reported by Chief Executive Magazine and The Conference Board.

The ASTD LXCI for the second quarter of 2013 was 65.3, down from 68.1 in the first quarter of 2013. The second quarter drop in optimism is a trend echoing the last two years. First quarter index measures in 2011 and 2012 also were high (67.3 for both) with declines coming in later quarters both years. The report notes that by the second quarter of the year, organizations and learning leaders see a clearer picture of the year’s opportunities and budget usage, which can drive confidence levels down. The LXCI is measured by a 100-point scale.


Key findings from the LXCI for the second quarter of 2013 include  

  • Learning executives’ expectations from Q1 to Q2 2013 declined, but optimism remains strong. The Q2 2013 LXCI score of 65.3 is close to the score the industry reported a year ago (65.6).

  • The impact of corporate performance and the perception of the value of learning continue to be the most positive LXCI indicators, with 69.8 and 68.8 percent (respectively) believing that it will be moderately or substantially better in the next six months.

  • Availability of resources needed to meet learning needs is the lowest scored index, with 57.0 percent of LXs believing it would be the same or worse in the next six months.

  • More leaders believe that the perceived value of learning in the organization will stay the same, and fewer believe that it will be moderately or substantially better.

  • Nearly one-third (30.5 percent) of learning executives predict that the impact of learning on corporate performance over the next six months will stay the same (a 3.4 increase from Q1 2013).

  • More than one-half of learning executives believe that there will be an increase in workplace L&D funding in the next 18 months and later (a 16 percent increase from Q1 2013).

ASTD’s Learning Executive Confidence Index was launched in August 2008 and is designed to assess the outlooks and expectations of learning executives for the next six months.

Visit http://www.astd.org/Publications/Research-Reports/2013/2013-LXCI2013Q2 to read the full report.

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ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to the training and development field. In more than 100 countries, ASTD’s members work in organizations of all sizes, in the private and public sectors, as independent consultants, and as suppliers. Members connect locally in 120 U.S. chapters and with 15 international partners. ASTD started in 1943 and in recent years has widened the profession’s focus to align learning and performance to organizational results, and is a sought-after voice on critical public policy issues. For more information, visit www.astd.org.


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