Press Release
Mon Apr 29 2013
One of the best parts about ICE is the people you get to meet. For us at the ASTD Bookstore, that includes authors and speakers as well as all of you attendees who want to take all this learning home with you. This year seven new books from ASTD Press will line the shelves, next to ASTD bestsellers, recommended L&D books, and speaker and keynote books.
But books aren’t the only source of information in the Bookstore. You’ll also have a chance to meet five authors of our seven newest ASTD Press books that will gloriously line the shelves! More than 50 authors, including the three keynote speakers, will be signing or chatting about their books. To give you a chance to get to know them and their books a little better, I’ll be posting some Q&As on this blog. I hope these Q&As will be interesting, informative, and fun; but to get the whole story, visit these authors in the Bookstore. See you in Dallas!
First up is an author who writes about the challenges of contemporary leadership: Cory Bouck, author of The Lens of Leadership.
Q: Can you provide a brief summary of your book?
Cory: Whether you are an experienced leader, an early leader who wants to get ahead faster, or an aspiring leader who wants to expand your influence, viewing your role through The Lens of Leadership will ensure that you deliver better results, get promoted faster, and inspire those around you.
Q: How is your perspective on this topic different from what else is out there?
Cory: There are plenty of military officers who have written books about their leadership philosophy; and many, many successful business leaders have penned fine management books; and there are OD professionals who have written books about OD. I don’t know anyone else, however, who has all three of these experiences and has written a book about delivering superlative performance as a follower, a leader, and a builder of other leaders. This is a book for people who want to be a leader that others WANT to follow.
Q: What should people know about you?
Cory: I am the Director of Organizational Development & Learning at Johnsonville Sausage, and a former Naval Flight Officer. Based on my background as a former leadership instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, the owner of Johnsonville asked me to create a more effective internal leadership development program at our company. My front-line leadership experience as Mission Commander of a combat aircrew of twelve, and my business leadership experience as a marketer at General Mills, Newell-Rubbermaid, and Johnsonville Sausage helped me earn a reputation as an effective business person who focuses on the organizational development and “people” parts of the business.
Q: What do you like best about ICE?
Cory: I love the diversity of thought leadership. Competition is nipping at the heels of everyone, no matter what business they are in. I love learning about the challenges facing others, and what they are doing to overcome them.
Q: What is your favorite business book? Why?
Cory: I frequently skim through In Search of Excellence and Good to Great when I want to sharpen my saw and re-focus on fundamentals; but I hand out Elbert Hubbard’s A Message to Garcia the most.
Don’t miss Cory at his book signing, Tuesday, May 21, 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. in the ASTD Bookstore at the ASTD 2013 International Conference & EXPO.
Cory Bouck is the author of The Lens of Leadership. Follow him @corybouck.
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