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TD Magazine Article

Member Benefit

Aging US Workforce Jeopardizes Organizational Knowledge

Published Mon Aug 01 2005


This article reports that many U.S. organizations are failing to both capture critical knowledge and experience from retiring workers and transfer knowledge to younger employees. This was found by an Accenture survey of U.S. workers. One way of helping the companies meet the challenge of knowledge transfer is the understand the extent of the problem and the organization's ability to tackle it. One should address what skills will be lost, in what volume and where, the profile of the workforce that remains, and what skills and competencies are required to achieve the company goals. One can Develop an overall strategy. To capture and transfer core skills from retiring employees and to identify, attract, and retain new workers with skills critical for the company's future, one has to have a strategy.

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Aging US Workforce Jeopardizes Organizational Knowledge


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