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TD Magazine Article

Do-It-Yourself Motivation

A review of Take Charge of You: How Self Coaching Can Transform Your Life and Career by David Novak and Jason Goldsmith


Fri Apr 01 2022


Take Charge of You: How Self Coaching Can Transform Your Life and Career

By David Novak and Jason Goldsmith


Ideapress Publishing, 175 pp., $26.95

The world of work has changed forever, but one thing hasn't: Leaders must continue to develop and help other leaders do more and be more for organizations to continue to innovate, grow, and succeed. However, individuals' engagement and interactions have shifted to be more remote or, if we are lucky, hybrid. Inevitably, many of us have been placed in situations where we are doing things that may not have been part of our norm three years ago. Suddenly, we are workers, teachers, and even technology support.

Another consequence to this change is the fact that working from home leaves many without a manager or mentor nearby to serve as a coach. Novak and Goldsmith propose that now is the time to take charge and coach ourselves.

They assert that the blueprint they offer should propel anyone to a positive outcome. Self-coaching tips, key questions, and take-charge actions will guide readers step by step into finding the right path and will redirect those who get stuck. Don't expect self-coaching to be easy. The authors caution that it will be a journey of practice, patience, and growth.

They write in an easy-to-follow format, so readers will learn how to ask themselves better questions, improve their mindset, leverage insights from others, and continually improve. The toolkit at the end summarizes important and key steps to be the best coach—it is one of the book's standout benefits. Novak and Goldsmith provide significant examples from their personal lives as well as from leaders with whom they've worked and coached. Those examples are well placed and provide the appropriate emphasis that will resonate with professionals.


Take Charge of You provides an empowering opportunity for leaders at all levels to practice and master self-awareness and self-talk and to be unstoppable regardless of the challenges that may arise. However, as the authors call out, this journey requires readers to commit to adopting a positive motivation and problem-solving mindset. In the end, Novak and Goldsmith reveal the true opportunity of being a servant leader: using insights and successes to help others find their joy.

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