TD Magazine Article
Contributors to the February 2024 issue of TD magazine offer their book recommendations.
Thu Feb 01 2024
Contributors to the February 2024 issue of TD magazine offer their book recommendations.
Rachel G. Teague
Feedback Mentality: The Key to Unlocking and Unleashing Your Full Potential
by Shanita Williams
Williams makes feedback easy to understand in bite-size, relatable chunks. Whether you're in the position of providing feedback or receiving it, this resource is an invaluable addition to your toolkit.
Cornelius "Neil" Dowdell
How Minds Change: The Surprising Science of Belief, Opinion, and Persuasion
by David McRaney
The L&D industry is in the business of behavior change, which is a highly individualized process. This book teaches readers the technical and neurological components of the mind. A person's brain commands them; therefore, a better understanding of how we, as people, biologically operate and process external information supports how we, as L&D practitioners, apply behavior change techniques.
The EOS Life: How to Live Your Ideal Entrepreneurial Life
By Gino Wickman
Started reading this book when I was struggling with some business decisions, all dealing with growth. This book helped me identify my low-end, low-cost tasks and how to outsource those items to free up the time to focus on high-end, high-cost tasks. Ultimately, seeking to develop good business habits and decision making has a direct impact on business growth.
Alexis Gonzales-Black
Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well
by Amy Edmondson
The author lays out a new, practical framework for failing well. Using this book, leaders can identify the kinds of decisions that benefit from a "safe to try" mindset, which has been a huge unlock, or aha, moment for our clients.
Move Fast and Fix Things: The Trusted Leader’s Guide to Solving Hard Problems
By Frances Frei and Anne Morriss
Frei's frameworks are always simple, elegant, and applicable. Our senior clients have already picked it up and are using the tools to accelerate their work.
Melissa Chambers
Neuroscience for Learning and Development: How to Apply Neuroscience and Psychology for Improved Learning and Training (3rd Edition)
By Stella Collins
This book equips learning and development professionals with the latest research and concepts in neuroscience and psychology. This latest edition offers exciting new insights on motivation, habits, the link between sleep and learning, mindfulness, learning through all your senses, and creating an autonomous learning culture. It provides practical insights and tools that can be applied in a variety of contexts, from digital learning and in-person training sessions to coaching conversations, lectures, and presentations. If you like the science behind how the human brain works, especially as we exponentially.
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