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Boost Training Transfer Using Predictive Learning Analytics™ (PLA)


Fri Aug 18 2017


What is arguably the number one issue facing L&D professionals today? The answer: scrap learning. Scrap learning refers to the gap between training that is delivered and what is actually applied back on the job. It’s a critical business issue because learning that is delivered but not applied is a waste of an organization’s resources.In this webcast, you will learn how to use predictive learning analytics to reduce the amount of scrap learning associated with a learning program. You will: Discover the meaning of the term scrap learning and its impact on wasted organizational resources and lost credibility with business executive stakeholders. Analyze how to build an algorithm that predicts which learners are most and least likely to apply what they learned in a training program back on the job. Examine the three-phase, nine-step predictive learning analytics methodology using data from an actual implementation.

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