Regardless of your position, talent development professionals must demonstrate strong consulting skills to lead the execution of learning solutions within an organization. You may be a practitioner working inside an organization or independent consultant supporting from the outside. Either way, your stakeholders—who your development solutions are intended to support—are your internal clients, and they are looking for your partnership to improve performance and achieve business success.
ATD’s Consulting Skills Certificate program provides you with a five-phase model—rooted in a performance-based approach that prioritizes results over activities—that you can use to diagnose needs, establish goals, and achieve desired performance outcomes for your learning projects. The five phases lay out a practical, step-by-step method for addressing a consulting project, beginning from initial contact through the final step of process improvement.
In this program, you will:
Move from order-taker
to true business partner by applying an ATD-exclusive model, techniques, and tools to successfully consult with your clients.
Maximize success strategies
including working across organizational boundaries, providing feedback to senior leaders, and gaining buy-in.
Evaluate your skills
and identify your developmental needs as a consultant.