Healthcare Questions
ATD Blog

The Secret Every Professional Needs to Know to Achieve Patient Experience Excellence

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

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Patient experience matters. Its importance continues to grow and remains a global priority for healthcare organizations. Central to patient experience is the awareness that leadership plays a vital role in driving the organization’s experience culture. So why is it so hard to deliver such experience in healthcare?

The healthcare system’s most magnificent capital is human resources, and they have to be understood and respected in their individuality. From that point, significant challenges are ahead. Having a patient-centric approach with an empathy-driven relationship would enable healthcare practitioners to redesign how research is done, potentialize and customize treatments, and prepare medical professionals in all levels with much higher efficiency.

Understanding that each person is different seems obvious, but, in fact, it is incredibly challenging. We tend to think that anything unfamiliar to us, by our personal standards, is automatically a negative (and often wrong). We hardly remember that we represent what is different to each other.

To offer the patient a good experience, it is a must to build better relationships . . . and for that, we need to look at ourselves and perceive our imperfections and differences, and learn to respect ourselves as well. Only when we look inward and observe ourselves with all the vulnerability that we see in each other can we connect as human beings. We must have the opportunity to perceive ourselves as the other, and then to understand and look together at the world around us. At this point, the barrier between doctor and patient will be broken and, finally, the connection will be made.


This is a constant exercise in practicing empathy. The leading discovery is that empathy comes from our ability to connect with others—to create that bond in which I recognize something in the other person, something human, something that will unite us even with all the differences. Empathy can help to foster relationships, enhance engagement, and drive accountability in delivering excellence in experience. With empathy as a value for a healthcare organization, there is an excellent chance that patient satisfaction would increase substantially, and costs, too, would be significantly lower.

I am very excited to discuss how to achieve patient experience excellence through empathy on August 6 at the ATD Talent Development Summit. Lots of audience participation and questions will be most welcome!


About the Author

Fabiana Gutierrez has 15 years of experience in communication, social media, and public relations in national companies, multinationals, agencies, and the third sector. She co-founded Carlotas in 2013 with the mission of focusing on developing social-emotional skills using playful education for kids and adults. During these years, Fabiana developed workshops and activities for companies and schools promoting dialogue about diversity, respect, and empathy. Companies such as Bradesco, Natura, Monsanto, Sanofi, and Carrefour are regular clients for whom she develops programs for professional and personal development[CC1] [HS2] . She is a professional speaker and has presented sessions and workshops organized by ABTD (the Brazilian Association for Training and Development) and OAB SP (Brazilian Bar Association).

Fabiana Gutierrez tem mais de 15 anos de experiência em comunicação, mídias sociais e relações públicas em empresas nacionais, multinacionais, agências e terceiro setor. É co-fundadora de Carlotas que foca o desenvolvimento das habilidades socioemocional usando educação lúdica para crianças e adultos. Desde 2013, desenvolve workshops e atividades para empresas e escolas promovendo o diálogo sobre diversidade, respeito e empatia. Empresas como Bradesco, Carrefour, Monsanto, Natura e Sanofi são clientes contínuos em programas de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. Palestrante e facilitadora de workshops e seminários organizados pela ABTD (Associação Brasileira de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento) e OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil).

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