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TD Magazine Article

3 Ways to Convince the C-Suite to Buy Into Virtual Training

You know that incorporating live, instructor-led online training into your L&D offerings is the way to go. But what if your senior leaders are not yet convinced?


Fri Mar 01 2019

3 Ways to Convince the C-Suite to Buy Into Virtual Training

You know that incorporating live, instructor-led online training into your L&D offerings is the way to go. But what if your senior leaders are not yet convinced? Here's help getting them on board.

1. Demonstrate how it's aligned with company strategy.


Does your company strategy call to be more digital, reduce costs, reduce carbon usage, or embrace flexible working? Chances are the answer is yes to at least one of those. You can use this technique to showcase the benefits of virtual training that are specific to the company's priorities.

2. Get an executive on your side early.

HR or finance directors are helpful to influence first, because they usually have a vested interest in a virtual approach. Once you have them on your side, they can help convince the rest of the executive team.

3. Present a concise business case.

Use rationale and hard numbers to demonstrate how your company will benefit from virtual training. Show how your program will save your company time and money while still delivering on your L&D goals. Do your homework and present a focused approach to make it easy for executives to support your case.


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