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TD Magazine Article

February 2018 TD Authors: What's on Your Bookshelf?

Contributors to the February 2018 issue of TD magazine reveal what they're reading.


Thu Feb 01 2018


Contributors to the February 2018 issue of TD magazine reveal what they're reading.

Lori Gravelle


When Giants Learn to Dance by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

My mentor gave me this book many years ago, and I still refer to it as a resource today. The author provides insightful techniques on how to be successful in your career by embracing change and strategy. Throughout the book, there are several examples of coaching, communication, performance management, creative contribution, and improving productivity through innovative assignments.

Successful Women Speak Differently: 9 Habits That Build Confidence, Courage and Influence by Valorie Burton

This book is about self-reflection, motivation to think differently, and developing habits to improve personal communications. Embracing these nine habits leads to a more happy and successful life.

Mary-Clare Race


Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare.

In a sea of populist text, this book presents a compelling, and scientifically sound look at exactly how psychopaths work in the corporate environment.

Confidence: The Surprising Truth About How Much You Need and How to Get It by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

A useful antidote to the rise in narcissism and over-confidence in today's society.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari


An excellent overview of how our species has developed to where it is today.

A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives by Cordelia Fine A masterpiece in the inner workings of the human mind and how it tricks us every day.

Anders Gronstedt

The Gamification of Learning and Instruction by Karl Kapp

It's the definitive primer on gamification in learning, by the leading thinker in the field. Kapp cuts through the misconceptions that gamification is just about adding points and badges to existing training programs. Instead, he challenges the reader to fundamentally rethink learning design, with missions and quests, storylines and cut-scenes, hint-system and feedback, level progression, and freedom to fail. The book is packed with practical advice and examples on how to make your learning an epic win.

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February 2018 - TD Magazine

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