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TD Magazine Article

October 2018 TD Authors: What's on Your Bookshelf?

Contributors to the October 2018 issue of TD magazine offer their book recommendations.


Thu Oct 04 2018


Contributors to the October 2018 issue of TD magazine offer their book recommendations.

Lindsay Kirsch


Reinvent Yourself by James Altucher

This is the kind of book that really gives you permission—and also a kick in the behind—to evaluate your life and what you are doing in it. Whether you are feeling stuck in the humdrum of daily routine or scared to take a leap, this book will provide you with the antidotes to give you that extra confidence to move forward.

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers by Tim Ferriss

This is the be-all, end-all comprehensive anthology of the tools of the trade for the world’s top performers. If you want to learn about the routines, tactics, and tools of award-winning authors, athletes, music producers, and even Navy Seals, this book is a stepping-stone to ramping up your own systems and motivation to being better every single day.

Dawn Metcalfe


Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel

I read this book in one sitting while listening to waves bang against the shore. There's a reason this author wins prizes: The story is gripping, and it did my soul good to be reminded of turbulent times in the past. If you're lucky enough to have a vacation planned, this will keep you away from the phone and emails.

YouMap: Find Yourself. Blaze Your Path. Show the World! by Kristin SherryI was lucky enough to be able to read a pre-publication draft of this and was blown away. It’s an extraordinarily generous book packed full of useful resources. If you want a “coach in your pocket” as you think about what you need to get your dream job, then this book is it.

Katherine McNamee

The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win WWII by Denise Kiernan


I recently picked this book up at a museum gift shop and couldn't put it down. From an HR perspective, it's a fascinating account of mobilizing a massive workforce to work in total secrecy as well as documenting the important scientific contributions women made to our understanding of atomic energy. From a personal perspective, it provides insightful reflections on the historical and social consequences of their work.

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