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Tell It Like It Is

A review of Let the Story Do the Work: The Art of Storytelling for Business Success by Esther K. Choy


Wed Nov 01 2017


Let the Story Do the Work: The Art of Storytelling for Business Success

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By Mary Hladio


AMACOM, 256 pp., $24.95

Reviewed by Laura Lubin

Why do we tell stories? What does storytelling add to a conversation? What makes a good anecdote? In her new book, Choy, founder of the Chicago-based Leadership Story Lab, answers those questions and more. By sharing her own story and those of people she has helped through the years, she shows readers how the art and science of storytelling can simplify the complex, engage minds, and strengthen your brand.

According to Choy, an effective narrative can help an outstanding candidate outshine her competition. It can make everyday information memorable and relatable. It can fortify your argument to the key decision makers working with you on a project, considering you for a promotion, or funding your next venture.

How do leaders take advantage of storytelling? Choy's book offers an in-depth, practical prescription for relaying the best about what your message has to offer.


In the introduction, the author describes her background as an admissions officer at a prestigious business school, and how often the decision to admit or deny candidates hinged on the stories they told. Here, readers learn where Choy's interest in storytelling as a business communication technique began.

The rest of the book is made up of 11 chapters, divided into three main sections: "The Anatomy of a Story," "Bringing Stories to Life," and "Stories in Action."

In the first section, Choy describes the principles and elements of storytelling. She introduces the three stages to communication mastery and the five plots a presenter can use as a story's foundation. Next, in "Bringing Stories to Life," she explains how readers can identify the audience for their stories, how to tell stories out of numbers and visuals, and how to simplify complexities—no matter where the story is situated. "Stories in Action" pulls all this information together so readers can weave stories that connect, gain credibility, and sell the social impact of their message.

Overall, Let the Story Do the Work is an informative text, packed with great advice about what it takes to make you a strong competitor in what Choy calls the "lifelong mini admissions applications" process. It supports hesitant storytellers by reassuring them that with the right format and tools, they can become as powerful as even George R.R. Martin. At the same time, though, the book clarifies that you don't have to be a renowned author to tell a great story.

This book perfectly illustrates why storytelling is important to your professional career: It can help you persuade others and make yourself more memorable. It would be great for including in a marketing course, sharing with a new leader, or even developing yourself.


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Women Don't Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation—and Positive Strategies for Change by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever. Everyone should read this book. If you are woman or have a girl or woman in your life, it's a critical text for understanding how to better navigate life and earning. It formed the basis for my research on women and negotiation that we facilitate many times every year. Also look to the authors' follow-up book, Ask For It.

Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown, with Christopher Vaughan. An all-time favorite, this marvelous text mixes story, research, and thought to uncover the deep and evolutionary importance of play. Music to the ears of this improviser.

Einstein's Dreams: A Novel by Alan Lightman. The author, who holds a doctorate in theoretical physics and also is a poet and novelist, mixes science, story, and imagination to examine the many possible natures of time, and Einstein's obsession with that theory. Beautiful and unforgettable.

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