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What do Enron, Merrill Lynch, Mitsubishi, Wal-Mart, and the U.S. Air Force Academy have in common? Many of their organizational members have coped within workplace environments that they considered in one form or another as toxic, abusive, sick, or hostile. Whole organizations cannot be considered uniformly in the same manner, of course. At the...
Wed Feb 15 2006
What do Enron, Merrill Lynch, Mitsubishi, Wal-Mart, and the U.S. Air Force Academy have in common? Many of their organizational members have coped within workplace environments that they considered in one form or another as toxic, abusive, sick, or hostile. Whole organizations cannot be considered uniformly in the same manner, of course. At the same time, the extent and number of employees affected in each organization can hardly be considered isolated incidents or the actions of a few rogue managers. Why do some organizations have such unhealthy work environments across many different departments?
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