July 2020
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The Buzz

Change Management During the Pandemic

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The pandemic has caused and continues to cause business disruption on a scale most have never seen before. While some managers are struggling to keep up with these changes, others are embracing it and even thriving in the face of uncertainty. They are doing so by accepting the key principles of change management and relying on lessons proven in the past. One of these principles is to clearly articulate management's vision for change. More than anything, this requires leadership and communication skills. It doesn’t mean everything must be disclosed at once. When it comes to change communication, more is not always better. Instead, get the right information at the right time to the right people. When changes are first announced, employees will wonder about the end goals and how the changes will affect them. These are called the distributive aspects of a change and should be the primary focus of the initial change communication. Once changes move into implementation phases, communication should shift to the procedural aspects of the change. Steps for implementation should be laid out, and individuals should know the role they play.

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