May 2015
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The Buzz

Do Bosses Understand Work-Life Balance?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Around the world, workers still struggle to meet the demands of their professional lives while maintaining healthy personal lives. According to a new study, many in the workforce are putting in longer hours, delaying or forgoing having children, giving up on higher education, or struggling to pay for the needs of their children. One of the biggest reasons for this, the report found, was the economy. Many who managed to keep their jobs during the recession are still filling in workforce gaps created by layoffs, working longer hours for salaries that in many cases have not seen much growth. Another major reason for a decrease in work-life balance, however, is that many bosses are simply out of touch with the pressures their workers face. More than 80 percent of Millennial workers are part of dual-income couples that both work full time. Of Generation X employees, 73 percent are part of dual-income households. However, only 47 percent of baby boomers, a group that is mostly representative of senior management, have a spouse working full time. “I really see that there’s an empathy gap in the workplace,” said Karyn Twaronite, EY global-diversity and inclusiveness officer for Ernst & Young. “When there’s frustration about work-life balance in the workplace, and you think your boss doesn't get it, that very likely could be true.”

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