May 2015
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The Buzz

Hiring for Personality

Friday, May 1, 2015

The hiring process is generally focused on a candidate’s skills and experiences, but it often overlooks a critical piece of the puzzle. Not only should hiring managers be vetting candidates based on what they've done and what they know, but they should also take a close look at the applicant’s personality. "When companies are assessing job candidates, they're looking for . . . someone who is not only proficient in a particular function, but also has the right personality," said Rosemary Haefner, chief human resources officer at career resource and job-listing site CareerBuilder. "It's important to highlight soft skills that can give employers an idea of how quickly you can adapt and solve problems, whether you can be relied on to follow through, and how effectively you can lead and motivate others." Some personality traits employers should look for include multitasking, strategic thinking, organization, communication, and confidence. These traits often won’t show up on a resume, so it’s important that hiring managers ask questions to get answers that demonstrate the true nature of the candidate.

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