January 2021
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The Buzz

It’s Time to Reconsider How You Hire

Monday, December 28, 2020

The global health crisis has disrupted the workplace in myriad ways—not the least of which is talent management and hiring. As organizations plot their course through the new normal, hiring practices need to change. The reality of the situation is that the line between the “employer” and “candidate” job market is being blurred, and smart leaders are throwing out their old playbooks and starting over from scratch. To follow their lead, it’s critical to set a long-term plan and stick to it. It might be tempting in the short-term to hire overqualified candidates at lower price points, but ultimately this strategy will fail—both in terms of retention and engagement. Instead, work on a strategy of attracting the right talent to the right positions with the proper amount of perks and benefits. Hire for growth, not for the moment. Make sure your decisions reflect your talent development strategies and ensure your workforce is appreciated and given the tools they need for success.

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