May 2015
Issue Map
The Buzz

Managerial Communications

Monday, April 27, 2015

A new survey conducted by software company TINYpulse may explain why only 30 percent of Americans report that they are fully engaged at their jobs. The company asked 1,000 full-time employees what they would most like to change about their managers, and the majority of the responses had to do with interpersonal skills and communication. "Studies show relationships drive employee engagement and get people excited about being at work," said Laura Troyani, marketing director for TINYpulse. "Unfortunately, companies often promote individuals based on their project skills and not their management skills." One way managers can change this is by actively working to become a better communicator. Troyani suggests setting aside time for weekly one-on-one check-ins with individual team members. "It’s a good opportunity to find out how projects are going, if goals are on track, and to get a gut check on how the employee feels about their job," she says. Senior leaders should also hold similar check-ins to update the entire team on how the organization is performing as a whole.

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