October 2017
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The Buzz

To Boost Engagement, Everyone Should Be Appreciated

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

There are many paths to boosting employee engagement—some more effective than others at driving results. One particular avenue, however, has the potential to increase engagement levels by nearly 600 percent: appreciation. Feeling appreciated is an important driver of engagement and productivity in the workplace, and unfortunately, too many employees report feeling underappreciated in their careers. And while a pat on the back every now and then won’t generate a fully engaged workforce overnight, by taking into account the three aspects of appreciation, employers can take a big step in the right direction. First, employers need to give their employees recognition for their hard work, skills, and abilities. Second, this recognition should be made public. When managers publicly recognize their team members for their contributions, employees learn what is deemed important and how to achieve the goals of the organization. Third, employees should be encouraged to give others recognition themselves. Research shows that when employees are encouraged to publicly recognize their co-workers for a job well done, it can lead to a 26 percent boost in engagement. 


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