July 2020
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The Buzz

VR Will Change the Way We Work and Train

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

As workplaces become decentralized, workweeks become more flexible, and technology becomes more pervasive, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that virtual and augmented reality systems are making inroads in the business community. One of the most obvious applications is in training. Virtual reality programs are slowly taking the place of more traditional, resource-hungry, in-person training sessions, and studies are showing they also might be more effective. Instead of handing a new employee a manual of company policies and asking them how they might handle a hypothetical situation, a training manager can place the employee in that scenario using virtual reality. Productivity may also improve as virtual reality technologies are more widely adopted. Virtual reality can create a more immersive workplace, particularly if employees are not all in one specific location. Instead of video conferencing, new virtual reality apps can place employee avatars in shared “conference room” spaces to remove the physical distance from remote employment.

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