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10 Steps to Successful Virtual Presentations

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Whether you're presenting training exercises, team meetings or a sales pitch, you can present like a pro, deal with technological glitches, appear calm under pressure, and deliver value-packed virtual presentations. Millions of web meetings take place every day, yet they are often boring, poorly conducted, and technologically challenged. But that doesn't have to happen to you!

Now you can learn how to make your online meeting as engaging as an in-person presentation. Whether you're presenting general information, training exercises, team meetings or sales pitches, this book helps you present like a pro and appear calm under pressure. You can facilitate discussions, handle Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) issues, listen to and engage your audience, and multitask effectively. Plus you'll have case studies, rules of thumb, ready-to-use tools, checklists, and tips to share with coworkers. With this book to guide you, you can become a competent, confident, credible online presenter and deliver real value to your audience.

Table of Contents:

Step 1: Identify your learning objectives and outcomesStep 2: Learn the virtual presentation platformsStep 3: Plan your presentationStep 4: Learn to work with othersStep 5: Build compelling content (presentation templates) (add four types)Step 6: Building good visualsStep 7: Refining your vocal skillsStep 8: RehearseStep 9: Multitasking and using the toolsStep 10: Follow-up and learn

Buy 10 Steps to Successful Virtual Presentations now.

Part of the ASTD 10 Steps series**.**

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781562867461

  • Pages: 176

  • Publication Date: February 2011

  • Formats: Paperback, PDF

  • Product Code: 111106

About the Authors
Wayne Turmel

Wayne Turmel is a cofounder of the Remote Leadership Institute. He has spent the past 20 years or more obsessed with how people communicate at work. His work has helped organizations on four continents develop the communication skills needed to lead people, projects, and teams and to make the adjustment to remote working and virtual teams.

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