TD at Work Guide
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You invest vast amounts of time and effort in your performance improvement programs. And as tempting as it may be to simply cross your fingers and hope that your programs provide value, being able to prove that they do is necessary for justifying costs, making improvements, and establishing and maintaining adequate budgets. But the measurement and evaluation (M&E) of learning is just too much work, too complicated, and takes too much time. Right?In “Demystifying Measurement and Evaluation,” M&E expert Toni DeTuncq takes the mystery, guesswork, and intimidation factor out of M&E processes, introducing “must do,” “smart to do,” and most surprisingly, “fun to do” techniques and activities that you can begin using today. This issue of Infoline will show you how to:
Determine business-driven objectives.
Devise practical ways to collect data.
Plan for measurement and evaluation.
Analyze data quickly.
Accurately present data.This Infoline also includes a job aid to help you develop multiple-choice and other types of tests and assessments.
Book Details
ISBN: 9781562868413
Pages: 24
Publication Date: November 2012
Formats: Paperback, PDF
Product Code: 251211