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Leadership Development for Millennials seeks to examine how organizations are preparing the Millennial generation to manage and lead effectively now and into the future. In analyzing the survey data that informed this Study conducted by ASTD and the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), responses to select questions were filtered by generation to get some insight into perspectives among the generational groups on Millennials, as well as how the generation sees itself. Overall, 592 business and learning professionals participated in the survey for this report. Among the questions explored are:
Is development of Millennials a priority of most organizations?
Are Millennials entering the workforce with sufficient skills?
Have organizations made adjustments to training and development specifically for this generation (or do they plan to)?
Do organizations have specific developmental competencies for Millennials that address hard and soft skills?
Book Details
ISBN: 9781562868536
Publication Date: March 2013
Formats: PDF
Product Code: 791205-WP