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Fried Training Talk- Instructional Design Clichés

Published: Friday, September 6, 2019
Updated: Friday, September 06, 2019

I got to talking with one of my coworkers about the dangers of clichés in Instructional Design. The other day I observed a great example of this when several people in a training session roll their eyes, crossed their arms, and shut down when they heard the phrase, “We have to think outside the box.” There are other similar business clichés (like “push the envelope”) that are put into designs and/or uttered by trainers that create barriers to learning.

I thought I’d ask you smart folks what phrases do you hear that immediately shut you down, and how you get around that as a trainer/training developer?

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The phrase "reaching out to..." is getting old for me. I would prefer to hear specifically what "reaching out" refers to.
I tend to agree...saying "Let's reach out to other stakeholders to gain consensus on our action plan moving forward" could just as easily be said as "Let's talk to everyone involved and discuss what needs to be done". Sometimes "jargon" and "buzzwords" can smooth communication, other times it seems like they're being used as an automatic response with no substance behind them.
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Kathleen, so if someone in a training says "I will reach out to management for an answer" that would immediately turn you off to the training?
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