
ATD’s Certifications and New Talent Development Capability Model

Thursday, April 30, 2020

As the coronavirus situation continues to escalate, businesses around the world are making rapid decisions and talent professionals are expected to adapt quickly. Reflecting the growing and changing needs of talent development, ATD’s new Capability Model is here to serve as a blueprint for impact for all TD professionals, setting the standard for what they need to know and do to be successful. With the release of this new Capability Model, our ATD certifications, CPLP and APTD, are also adjusting to reflect these changes. Learn from three distinguished speakers on how this game-changing model helps prepare TD professionals for the trends we can’t yet see and the future we cannot predict. Key Takeaways: - Learn how the Talent Development Capability Model was formulated. - Get an overview of the ATD Capability Model. - Learn how to use this model to develop yourself and your team. - Get an overview of the CPTD and APTD certification programs and how they can help professionals distinguish themselves from their peers. - Hear from one of our internationally Credentialed ATD practitioners about her journey to receiving the CPTD certification and how it benefitted her professional career.

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