
Leading with Love and Laughter

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Love and laughter are magical. They have the power to build bonds, forge trust, and improve productivity. Yet many leaders are uncomfortable with letting go and connecting at the most human level. Some see it as unprofessional, others as silliness with no purpose. But this is far from the truth. From physical and emotional benefits, all the way to mission accomplishment, love and laughter are the most essential, foundational parts of our leadership. Nothing real happens without them. This session will engage attendees with the latest science supporting love and laughter and the impact it can have on our organizations and those we lead. Participants will learn how to harness love as their most effective leadership strategy and the importance of love as the foundation for any leadership approach. They will also discover how laughter can be used to build trust and camaraderie among diverse teams in the workplace.

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