April 2017
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The Buzz

Measuring the Efficacy of Compliance Training

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

When employees are asked to do an on-the-job task, it’s relatively easy to know if their training has been effective. If they are competent in their job, generally speaking, the company is doing something right. However, with compliance training, it may not be so clear cut, because staying compliant may not be indicative of effective training. For example, many managers see that they have no compliance issues and assume their training process is perfect. This assumption could lead to disaster, however, by producing a false sense of security. Zero compliance violations do not always translate to an effective compliance training program. Additionally, timing is an important consideration. Poor timing can ruin an otherwise effective program. Managers should take care in planning the dates and duration of training sessions and be deliberate in how they schedule them. It’s a mistake to cram compliance training into other prescheduled learning and development sessions; compliance needs to stand on its own.

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