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Award winners must demonstrate that they are excellent in many aspects of talent development:
  • Talent development has an enterprise-wide role: involved in the executive team, creating solutions to business issues, and setting organizational strategy.
  • Learning has value in the organization's culture: learning opportunities for employees, C-level involvement, learning for growth of the organization, and innovation.
  • Learning links to individual and organizational performance: alignment with the business, efficiency, measurement of the effectiveness of learning, and success with non-training solutions for business needs.
  • Investment is made in talent development and performance initiatives.

Helpful Tips from a Reviewer

For 2025 Recognition:

Apply Today!

Entry Deadline: October 18, 2024

Download a copy of the application to help you prepare your entry. (BEST application subject to change each year.)

Entries must be submitted online. Please review the eligibility and application instructions. Application fee: $300 USD (subject to change) Payable online as the last step of the application process. If you have questions about the application process, contact Erin Strider at [email protected].

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2025 ATD BEST Awards Application


BEST Awards


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