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HAWAII CHAPTER: 2018 Journey Highlight Film

SUMMARY: During the 2017 ALC, the chapter decided to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. As part of this mindset, the board used Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) to create metrics for a chapter health dashboard. Additionally, the board captured video of the chapter practicing its mission in action to demonstrate its commitment to continuous improvement as well as its other value, local-global balance. During the chapter’s year-end celebration, the board premiered the video, which included the chapter’s metrics dashboard, continuous improvement efforts, and candid shots from every event. Through the video, the team created a marketing tool exhibiting the value of local and national membership and promoting upcoming events.

YEAR: 2018

KANSAS CITY CHAPTER: Annual Report with Infographic

SUMMARY: The chapter's board of directors worked together to gather data for its annual report, which included information from the chapter's annual survey. To make the data more reader-friendly and increase readership, the chapter developed an infographic to convey the survey results.

YEAR: 2015

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