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BUFFALO NIAGARA CHAPTER: Marketing a Project-Based, Event-Planning Internship

In 2022, the Buffalo Niagara Chapter recruited a college intern to support the planning and implementation of the chapter’s hybrid conference. The intern received membership in the chapter and 120 hours of work experience throughout the semester. They worked closely with the Special Projects Chair to support speaker coordination, conference logistics, social media and web design, and post-event assessment. To recruit for the position, the chapter developed a clear outline of how to best market the opportunity, including a clear description of the role, its benefits, and the desired candidate. The chapter also used several promotion techniques to reach its target demographic, such as posting in online databases, engaging with professional associations, and reaching out to local universities. As a result, the chapter conducted a successful conference with a high attendee satisfaction rate, increased its membership, and developed promising partnerships with local colleges and universities.

YEAR: 2023

NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Train Your Board to Recruit!

In recent years, the Nebraska Chapter has experienced high annual volunteer turnover, especially among new board members who were less than one year into their term. In response to concerns around volunteer retention, the chapter designed and implemented a recruitment training for their board. The goal of this training was to enable board members to feel more confident in finding volunteers to serve on the board or in other chapter leadership positions. It also allowed the board time to share their motivation for volunteering, generate excitement for a return to in-person service, and standardize expectations around what it means to serve on the board and how to best prepare new board members for success. As a result of the new training process, the chapter has seen an almost 30% reduction in volunteer turnover and an increase in volunteer referrals from board members. The board even had to start a waitlist to join the board because of increased interested in volunteering.

YEAR: 2022

KANSAS CITY CHAPTER: Annual Volunteer Social Media Campaign

The Kansas City Chapter created a unique way to encourage chapter volunteers to share their new roles on LinkedIn. To celebrate the new volunteers and raise awareness for the chapter, they used Canva to design and provide a branded graphic to incoming board members and volunteers to post on LinkedIn. When new volunteers posted about their accomplishments, they also tagged the chapter. Due to this campaign, the chapter’s LinkedIn views increased rapidly by 575 percent and unique visitors by 425 percent. In the 30 days after, engagement on other chapter posts had increased by 348 percent, comments increased by 262 percent, and shares increased by 114 percent. Additionally, the chapter’s LinkedIn page gained 16 new followers, bringing the total number to 320.

  • Kansas City - SOS Submission Form

  • Kansas City - Board Of Directors Graphic

  • Kansas City - Volunteer Graphic

YEAR: 2021

NEW YORK CITY: Using Associate Vice President (AVP) to Attract Volunteers and Succession Planning

SUMMARY: The New York City chapter developed a volunteer strategy to engage more members and shift volunteers to board members. The chapter created multiple associate vice president (AVP) roles to get those interested in volunteering involved in an entry-level volunteer position. AVPs assist a specific vice president with operations, administration, and logistics. The opportunity gives the AVP the ability to take ownership of projects and for vice presidents to include them in further leadership development opportunities. The chapter set up a clear and defined role description and expectations. They marketed the opportunity to its membership and received a lot of interest. Since the execution of the AVP volunteer strategy, several of the AVPs have moved into board positions.

  • New York City - SOS Submission Form

  • New York City - Associate Vice President Role Description

  • New York City - ATD NYC Newsletter Teaser

YEAR: 2020

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: Networking Through Nonprofit Partnership

SUMMARY: Based on feedback from the chapter’s annual member survey, members suggested partnering with nonprofit organizations for a volunteer and networking opportunity. The board worked with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to set up an event that provided both organizations exposure to community members. Fifteen people participated in the two-hour event, and the chapter provided refreshments.

  • Central Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Testimonials

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Ad

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #1

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #2

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #3

YEAR: 2018

PIKES PEAK CHAPTER: Bringing ALC to Pikes Peak ATD Members

SUMMARY: To bring information from the 2017 ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC) back to the chapter and deliver conference value, the chapter leaders who attended created a web-based compilation of information using Storify. The conference Storify shared key points from each session with chapter members who did not attend and demonstrated value of attendance at ALC to prospective board members. The Storify increased the chapter’s Twitter reach and momentum during and after the conference as well as spurred new programming ideas for next year.

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: The Charlotte Chapter Board of Directors recognized the need for more resources to help effectively manage the chapter. The board also believed having members actively participate in chapter activities would increase the likelihood of their renewing and provide “bench strength” for future board roles. To address these the needs, the chapter created a Volunteer Fair held during the networking portion of a regular chapter meeting. The fair resulted in ten new committee members enlisting to help support the chapter.

  • Charlotte - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2014

BATON ROUGE CHAPTER: Volunteer Recruitment

SUMMARY: The Baton Rouge Chapter traditionally experienced high involvement from board members, but had few consistent non-board volunteers. To help encourage and promote volunteer opportunities within the chapter, chapter leadership decided to identify and promote specific volunteer opportunities within the chapter. The chapter developed a Volunteer Opportunity Information Sheet, which describes the opportunity, outlines realistic time commitments required for the opportunity, and aligns the opportunity with competencies that are used.

  • Baton Rouge - Chapter Volunteer Recruitment Submission Form

YEAR: 2013

MARYLAND CHAPTERLeveraging Wild Apricot to Identify Volunteers

SUMMARY: The Maryland Chapter included a question on their membership application that asks new members if they are interested in being contacted about serving as a volunteer for the chapter. Using Wild Apricot, chapter leaders set up a query that quickly identified all members who answered “yes” so they could be followed up with immediately.

  • Maryland - Identifying Volunteers Submission Form

YEAR: 2012


SUMMARY: To encourage volunteer engagement, the chapter instituted a Chapter Points program four years ago. Members earn points for attending programs, volunteering for different committees or sponsoring events. At the end of the year, the top five volunteers are recognized with certificates and tokens. The volunteer who has accumulated the most points during the year is awarded a certificate that can be redeemed for any ASTD certificate or education program.

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Submission

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Program Overview

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Tracking Grid

YEAR: 2012

MIDLANDS CHAPTER: Identifying Volunteers

SUMMARY: The Midlands Chapter shared their best practice methods of identifying quality volunteers to serve in chapter leadership positions. This process addressed the need that board directors and committee chairs regularly had when trying to increase the chapter’s volunteer pool each year.

  • Midlands - Identifying Volunteers Submission

  • Midlands - Member Services Checklist

YEAR: 2012

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: VIP (Very Involved Person) Bucks!

SUMMARY: The VIP Bucks program was developed to encourage participation in chapter events, especially participation in committees. Members can use their VIP Bucks to bid on silent auction items at events and pay for monthly programs.

  • Central Indiana - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Indiana - VIP Bucks Tracking Sheet

  • Central Indiana - Volunteer Bucks

  • Central Indiana - VIP Bucks Sample

YEAR: 2008

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