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Are You Ready to Facilitate in the Virtual Classroom?


Wed Mar 11 2020

Are You Ready to Facilitate in the Virtual Classroom?

You’re about to facilitate your first virtual classroom session. You’re familiar with the content, have delivered it face-to-face in a classroom setting, and have been a participant in the virtual classroom before. Surely it can’t be that hard to facilitate online.

As an ATD facilitator for the traditional classroom and the virtual classroom, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to prepare differently to lead the virtual training experience. It has taken me many years to build up my skill set to aim to perform flawlessly in the online environment.


Whether you are about to lead your first virtual classroom facilitation or have been facilitating virtually for a while, freshen up on best practices to ensure superb participant satisfaction, engagement, and learning transfer.

Here are five best practices that are essential for a positive experience for yourself and your learners.

1. Set up your technology for success.

  • Connectivity is critical. You need a stable Internet connection, a landline phone, a backup mobile phone, and a headset.

  • Two monitors are key—and laptop ones are not ideal. Their screens are small, you cannot view the facilitator guide electronically, and they feel clunky. Do yourself a favor and splurge on the second monitor.

  • Have a backup plan for when technology fails. I have a hot spot that I can connect to if my power goes out. I have ear buds in case my headset battery runs out. I have extra batteries for my mouse in case the originals die. And yes, your technology will fail at some point.

2. Ask to work with a producer (or partner).

  • It pays to have a technical partner in the virtual classroom. A good producer allows you to focus on the content and the learner experience while they handle logistics and technical snags. I give sincere thanks to all the producers I have worked with in the past.

  • Discuss expectations with your producer before the course. Talk through how you want to communicate, ask for timing reminders, and review how the producer should handle participant questions in the chat while you are facilitating.

For instance, I communicate with my producer via text rathethan WebEx chat to keep the communication lines different from the participants.

3. Leverage interactive features.

  • Use a conference platform that allows for interactivity, like Adobe Connect or WebEx Training Center. When these tools are used appropriately, the virtual classroom experience can be as interactive as a typical classroom experience.

  • Try to include an interactive element every three to five minutes. Use whiteboard annotations, chat, agree/disagree, and emoticons. Having a balanced mix of these features sprinkled throughout the session will keep learners engaged.

For example, it could be as simple as, “Who has facilitated in the virtual

classroom before? Green check for yes, red x for no.”

  • Use breakout rooms to send learners into small groups just as you would in the face-to-face classroom.

For example, separate learners into virtual breakout groups and ask them to discuss key findings on different topics. Instead of asking learners to use flip charts, add whiteboards to virtual breakout rooms so that learners can draw, type, and annotate thoughts. At the end, bring everyone together and share the whiteboards as part of a large group debrief.

4. Use a discussion board.

  • Use the discussion board to send a warm welcome to the group with your photo before the class. Share facts about yourself and expectations for the course. Ask learners to respond with photos and similar information.

  • After each session, use the discussion board to post follow-up resources or respond to questions that you did not have time to fully address. Post discussion questions to keep the conversation going between sessions and grow peer relationships.

For example, in my instructional design class, learners share design

materials—PowerPoints, participant guides, infographics—and respond to

each other by giving and receiving feedback on the materials. Some

designers never get this type of experience in their day-to-day jobs, so they


love bouncing ideas off like-minded peers.

  • When the class is finished, post a congratulations, note recommended next steps, and create a thread for learners to share contact information.

5. Personalize the experience.

  • Try calling individuals by their first names and initiating conversations before and after class. Remember experiences and questions that learners share so that you can refer to them in later conversations.

  • Think about what you do in the face-to-face classroom and work to create that same vibe in the virtual space.

For example, I do a pace-checker activity in the face-to-face classroom

where I have a flip chart that has three circles on it:

1. Slow Down

2. Just Right

3. Speed Up.

Learners leave sticky dots to indicate what they need changed in relation to

pace. I use this same technique as a slide in the virtual classroom. Instead of

a sticky dot, learners use their drawing tools.

Another activity I do in the traditional classroom is called “one word.” I ask a

question and ask someone to catch a ball and respond with one word.

For example, “One word: What’s your favorite travel destination?”

Then, we take turns passing the ball around. I do this same activity in the

virtual chat when we return from a break. I ask each learner to reply with

one word in chat to various questions. This allows us to learn more about

each other and re-energize the room.

As you gear up for your next virtual facilitation, commit to trying one new tip or technique to elevate the learner experience. Once you master one technique, add on another and build from there. Over time, the best practices become habits and part of your normal virtual classroom preparation and execution routine.

Please reach out to me directly at [email protected] if you need further details on this content. I would gladly assist. You can also connect with me via LinkedIn!

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