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ATD Global

ATD Global Events

ATD Macau - Event Card Logo 2024

APRIL 18 - 19, 2024

ATD Macau Summit

See how L&D professionals are to keeping up with the industry, learning to reduce costs, retain employees, and encourage innovation & technology.

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JUNE 4 - 5, 2024

ATD Middle East Conference

Talent development and L&D professionals bring insights and trends in the industry, certificate programs, networking and more.


JULY 11 - 12, 2024

ATD Korea Summit

ATD Kuwait Summit 2024

OCTOBER 14 - 15, 2024

ATD Kuwait Summit

The 2024 ATD Kuwait summit will continue to be the leading learning and development event in Kuwait, discussing key trends, challenges, and best practices.


OCTOBER 25, 2024

ATD Talent Development Forum

Future Readiness: The Growth and Innovation of Talent Development. Learn more about the event here.


OCTOBER 29 - 31, 2024

ATD Asia Pacific Conference

ATD Asia Pacific Conference is a must attend event taking place in Taiwan for it's 13th year in 2024.


NOVEMBER 6 - 7, 2024

ATD Southeast Asia Summit

ATD Southeast Asia Summit, talent development professionals from across the region explore the trends, insights, and innovations shaping our industry.


NOVEMBER 25 - 26, 2024

ATD Saudi Arabia Conference

Get immersed in key insights and trends in talent development. Find networking, certificate programs, sessions and more.

ATD supports international attendees, groups, and delegations that attend the ATD International Conference & Exposition. With a minimum of five paid participants, you can organize an international delegation. The benefits of organizing a delegation include:

  • Reduced registration rates.

  • With more than 10 paid participants, the delegation leader will receive one complimentary registration.

  • Rebate based on number of paid participants (contact us for details).

  • Special recognition in the conference addendum.

  • Acknowledgment of your delegation during an ATD global event.

For more information about organizing a delegation, please contact ATD Global at [email protected]

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