May 2023
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May 2023
The Buzz

Employees Are Exhausted With Change. Here’s How to Manage It Better.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Employees are losing patience with change initiatives, particularly when there is little transparency and communication from leaders. Only 26 percent of employees believe their leaders communicate effectively about change initiatives, which is a problem. Leaders must be transparent and communicate clearly about the reasons for change, the goals of the initiative, and the potential effect on employees. This will help build trust and engagement among employees and increase the likelihood of success for the change initiative. For better change management, leaders should involve employees in the change process by soliciting feedback and ideas. This can help build employee buy-in and ownership of the change initiative, leading to better adoption and implementation. Change initiatives should be approached in a systematic and structured way. Leaders should define clear goals and timelines and provide the necessary resources and support for employees to successfully implement the change. To make change effective, leaders should model the desired behaviors and mindset during a change initiative. Leaders should be willing to take risks, adapt to new ways of working, and demonstrate a growth mindset.

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