May 2021
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The Buzz

Getting to the Heart of Employee Burnout

Monday, May 10, 2021

Welcome to the new normal—where you work from home, but you’re always at work. At least that’s how it feels for many employees who have been grappling with finding some semblance of work-life balance after having remote work hastily thrust upon them last March. This blurring of the lines between personal and professional life has caused a massive uptick in employee burnout. According to Deloitte, about 77 percent of employees report feeling burned-out at least once in their current role, and more than half of them have experienced it more than once. Knowing that, employers are attempting to stem the tide—limiting meetings on certain days or offering additional PTO. While these gestures are in good faith, they can do little to break the burnout cycle and are treating a symptom rather than a disease. To get at the heart of burnout, employers must first ensure reasonable workloads. Insufficient resources are one of the most common sources of burnout, and making sure people are asked to do reasonable amounts of work will cut down on stress. Once that’s tackled, encourage employees to take their PTO and to have consistent offline hours. If work ends at five, work ends at five. Finally, support employees in their physical and mental well-being. Provide resources to help them be more mindful and get them away from the desk to do something physical.

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