May 2017
Issue Map
The Buzz

Legislators Ask for Relaxed Cyber-Hiring Regulations in the Federal Government

Friday, May 5, 2017

In response to the looming cybersecurity threat, three Democratic members of Congress are calling for the federal government to borrow from private-sector practices to improve the hiring and training of new members in the public-sector cybersecurity workforce. In a letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Acting Director Kathleen McGettigan, co-chairs of the New Democrat Coalition Cybersecurity Task Force made suggestions for solving the “unprecedented” cybersecurity challenges the nation faces, as well as overcoming the lackluster government recruitment and retention of skilled cyber professionals. In the letter, the representatives asked OMB about agencies’ ability to train employees and encouraged the implementation of some private sector training methodologies. “Federal agencies have the authorities to provide training, including non-governmental training resources, for employees,” the letter reads, adding that using industry-recognized certifications “would be a valuable tool for agencies to recruit and retain highly-qualified cyber professionals.” The letter went on to say that given the increasing need to fill cybersecurity positions, OMB should be more flexible with job requirements. “For many of these jobs, a two-year degree or other non-traditional education paths … can sufficiently prepare workers, especially in combination with high-value experience.”

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