August 2021
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August 2021
The Buzz

Prevent Employees From Leaving by Focusing on These Three Factors

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Not so long ago, it wasn't uncommon for an employee to stay at a company for a decade or more. Now, the average tenure of an employee is 1.8 years. As times change, leadership needs to adapt, and talent strategies need to be developed to increase engagement and improve retention. Now, with the pandemic winding down, some experts fear the “great resignation.” Studies revealed that a whopping 4 million people left their jobs last April, and a quarter of workers say they plan on searching for a new job once the global health crisis draws to a close. To prevent a mass exodus, leaders need to consider three elements: culture, empathy, and engagement. Strong cultures tend to retain employees at a much higher rate, and employees are far more likely to stick around if their managers are empathetic and compassionate. Similarly, employees engaged with their work are 59 percent less likely to seek out another job.

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Elementary my dear Melanie! Well done! Thanks for the focus!
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