September 2020
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The Buzz

Successful Remote Workers Set Physical and Mental Boundaries

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

As the pandemic drags on, it's easy to lose track of things. Time seems to be flying by and crawling along. Days bleed together and remote work seems endless. This new normal is here to stay—at least for the time being—so it’s becoming more important to think about what setting into remote work for the long haul will look like. When it first started, many were content to plop down on their sofas with their laptops to work while their partners took conference calls in the closet. If we're going to be working from home in the long-term, it's time to invest in more professional setups or consider where it may be safe to work outside of your home. Many cafes and restaurants have outdoor seating areas, and several businesses are offering allowances for office furniture. The important thing in both scenarios is that setting up a designated workstation in your home or finding a different place to work helps set up boundaries. This is what successful remote employees already know and what new ones are finding out. Without boundaries, work and life blend together into an endless melange that can create burnout and even more serious mental-health issues. By setting mental and physical boundaries between you, your home, and your work, working from home will be a more fulfilling experience.

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