April 2015
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The Buzz

The Impossible Balancing Act

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The concept of work-life balance recently made headlines after Google’s CFO resigned to spend more time with his family. While Patrick Pinchette’s resignation letter may have been inspirational and reflective, what does it say about how realistic it is to balance your career and personal time? Women, in particular, have a difficult time achieving a healthy work-life balance, especially as they advance in their careers. A recent study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior found that women show signs of depression that increase as they move up the corporate ladder. A similar study of Harvard Business School graduates found that the pressure women put on themselves to balance families and careers causes significant stress. Even the pressure of being told that this balance is attainable might be a significant cause of stress. Corporate America may be to blame, with increasingly long days and limited vacation, paid leave, and other benefits. To help employees reach a healthy balance and keep them from quitting, employers should consider staffing workplaces reasonably, prioritizing the well-being of their workers, and allowing them to “shut down” when they need to restore balance.

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