May 2016
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The Buzz

The Sleep-Deprived Employee

Monday, April 25, 2016

Doctors recommend people get a solid eight hours of sleep every night, but most U.S. workers aren’t even close to that. According to a poll conducted by CareerBuilder, 58 percent of American workers reported they weren’t getting enough sleep, and 61 percent of this segment said their sleep deprivation was affecting their work. This overtired workforce is less productive, unmotivated, and often frustrated, and unfortunately, it seems to be a vicious cycle. Of those polled, 44 percent said worrying about work kept them awake at night. This stress can cause personal problems and even lead to turnover. In a similar study conducted by, 42 percent of those polled said they had left a job at one point or another because of a stressful environment. Additionally, 46 percent said they had missed time at work due to stress and 61 percent believed that work-related stress had made them physically ill. To combat this, it’s important for managers to ensure that their employees have reasonable schedules. One way to do this is to offer more flexibility in the hours worked, cut down on after-hours emails, and provide employees with adequate time to recharge between major projects. 

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