January 2015
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The Buzz

The Turnover Cycle

Monday, December 29, 2014

Finding qualified employees is difficult, but ensuring they stay is even more challenging. Once one employee leaves, it can trigger a domino effect, referred to as the “turnover cycle” that can cause ongoing problems for any type of business. If a handful of employees leave, those that remain must work harder to pick up the slack. This can lead to employee burnout, and poor hiring decisions – like hiring anyone who is available to fill empty roles – regardless of qualification level. However, this “solution” can lead to more problems. If the new employee isn’t capable of competing his or her job functions, veteran employees must work even harder to train and help. This can ultimately lead to good workers becoming so dissatisfied they leave, further compounding the problem. In order to stop the revolving door of the turnover cycle, managers must not be hasty in hiring practices, and must communicate clearly about how much they value their dedicated employees.

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