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Annual Report

CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS CHAPTER: Using ChatGPT to Create Faster, Higher Quality Annual Reports

SUMMARY: To streamline the reporting process, the Central Massachusetts Chapter utilized ChatGPT and ChatGPTSplitter to summarize past programs and board meeting minutes to help draft the chapter’s annual report and its executive summary. While the ChatGPT output did require additional editing, the use of AI technologies allowed the board to complete the report in a fraction of the time with a higher quality end product.

YEAR: 2024

HAWAII CHAPTER: 2018 Journey Highlight Film

SUMMARY: During the 2017 ALC, the chapter decided to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. As part of this mindset, the board used Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) to create metrics for a chapter health dashboard. Additionally, the board captured video of the chapter practicing its mission in action to demonstrate its commitment to continuous improvement as well as its other value, local-global balance. During the chapter’s year-end celebration, the board premiered the video, which included the chapter’s metrics dashboard, continuous improvement efforts, and candid shots from every event. Through the video, the team created a marketing tool exhibiting the value of local and national membership and promoting upcoming events.

YEAR: 2018

KANSAS CITY CHAPTER: Annual Report with Infographic

SUMMARY: The chapter's board of directors worked together to gather data for its annual report, which included information from the chapter's annual survey. To make the data more reader-friendly and increase readership, the chapter developed an infographic to convey the survey results.

YEAR: 2015

NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Themes Are for More Than Just Programming

SUMMARY: To strengthen its brand and grow member engagement, the Nebraska Chapter developed a theme beyond its annual programming—“Get in your VAN and go!” VAN stands for volunteer, attend events, and network. This theme helped the chapter coordinate its efforts around programming, membership, professional development opportunities, marketing, and even sponsorships. As a result, the chapter increased attendance at its summer social to an all-time high and recruited new board members and volunteers from a wide variety of professional backgrounds.

YEAR: 2022

SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN: Defining Chapter Strategy Through Market Landscape Analysis

SUMMARY: The Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter sought to differentiate and market the chapter in a unique way from the other organizations. The board organized a market landscape analysis to help the chapter know how to better communicate to their core audience and determine the chapter’s value proposition. The board mapped the current market by listing other players in the market and what key attributes there are in the market. Then the board scored each player on the various attributes. Using the data, the chapter organized how they can use it to communicate with our internal and external stakeholders. Immediately after this initiative, the chapter is seeing more alignment around volunteer work and strategy alignment. Chapter members now have consistent language to describe the chapter’s value proposition across its member communication, sponsor and partner outreach, and internal board discussions.

YEAR: 2021

CHICAGOLAND CHAPTER: Three-Pronged Approach to Marketing—1-2-3 GO!

SUMMARY: The Chicagoland Chapter adopted a three-pronged approach to improve the results of its LinkedIn marketing efforts for in-person and virtual events. First, the vice president of marketing promotes the event using a customized image that relates to the subject matter. She then highlights the event topic and speaker using an image that is similar to the initial image. Finally, she publicizes a short video that includes the custom images and event details. The chapter used Canva and Lumen5 to create the images and videos for free. The new strategy has more than doubled the chapter’s total number of LinkedIn visitors and has increased visibility of the chapter’s website.

YEAR: 2019

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Using Instagram to Promote Board Roles

SUMMARY: To promote the chapter election process, introduce chapter members to board members, and target a broader audience for the chapter, the board used Instagram to create visibility. Board members had set questions to answer in addition to an open Q&A for viewers who had follow-up questions. These posts generated content for the chapter’s website and newsletter, and the use of the social media platform increased the chapter’s brand awareness within the New York City area.

YEAR: 2018

KANSAS CITY CHAPTER: Using Trello to Collaborate With Programs

SUMMARY: The programming director used Trello, a web-based project management application, to manage chapter projects and events and to promote better communication and organization among board members and volunteers. All volunteers get access to each program so that they can find the information at the moment of need. Each event/program has its own plan in Trello, allowing for all information to be in one place and providing notifications if something is updated, added, or completed so that stakeholders know the status of a project in real time. The system allowed for better work flow, thus creating better programs for members and higher satisfaction among stakeholders.

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: In 2017, the focus of the Indiana Chapter was to connect, learn, and grow. In staying true to its vision, the chapter wanted to ensure its new board members attending the ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC) would take the opportunity to connect, learn, and grow from their peers. The president purchased stickers of the 50 states. The president provided each chapter leader with a set of stickers with directions to meet as many people as they could from different states and learn their names, roles, and their chapters’ focus. Following ALC, the chapter president awarded the leader with the most stickers distributed with a $5 Starbucks gift card. The Indiana Chapter walked away with new ideas and connections to help make the chapter’s vision a reality.

YEAR: 2018

HOUSTON CHAPTER: Using a Mobile Mic to Capture Content

SUMMARY: To provide more meaningful, targeted marketing messages, the chapter purchased an iRig microphone that plugs into Apple and Android devices for on-the-go content development. The tool works with a cell phone to capture testimonials for the chapter’s website, YouTube channel, monthly events, weekly emails, marketing for future events, and sponsorship opportunities. The mobile mic allows the chapter to do voice-overs for its presentations, capture better quality audio for presentations and other e-learning, and provide live feeds for programs. The mic has increased the chapter’s social media presence through custom, short videos on its website.

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: After learning about Slack from another chapter, the Chattanooga Chapter adopted the platform to help maximize real-time communications and strategy planning. Having a communication tool that can be used through group channels, private messages, video conference, and sharing documents has allowed the board to visualize conversation and subsequently be more productive as a team. The platform allows for quicker responses from the group and people can easily search for key information. The board created topic-based channels such as finance, programming and marketing.

YEAR: 2017

GREATER ATLANTA CHAPTER: Leveraging SLACK as a Leader Communication Alternative to E-mail

SUMMARY: The chapter utilized a free messaging tool called Slack to minimize the amount of emails board members received. The tool helped to keep everyone in the loop without feeling overwhelmed by information and created an archive of all past communication. Once the chapter figured out the tool was a more efficient system than emailing, each board member’s team was then added. The tool was originally implemented at the beginning of the new board’s term to start building out the channel framework, then opened the channels to their teams as the year went on.

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Board Communication & Accountability with Basecamp

SUMMARY: The chapter implemented the collaborative work platform, Basecamp, to streamline the chapter’s internal communication and create transparency. Emails were reduced by over 75 percent, and the platform ensured that board members were receiving the information. The chapter leaders were able to spend less time focused on administrative tasks and more time strategizing and engaging with its membership.

YEAR: 2016


SUMMARY: To streamline communication and provide a platform to engage its members, the chapter worked with AppyPie to create its own mobile app that hosts all the chapter’s online offerings. The app was created to offer a mobile version of the, “Member Rewards Card,” but the chapter soon realized the vast possibilities the application permitted. The mobile app allows for full access to the chapter’s Wild Apricot website, YouTube Channel, and social media platforms. The chapter also now has its own “Social Wall,” which functions much like Facebook allowing app users to engage with one another.

YEAR: 2016

GREATER ATLANTA CHAPTER: Different Ways to Become a Community Partner and Support Early Learners

SUMMARY: As part of its 2022 community relations strategy, the Greater Atlanta Chapter contributed to a local elementary school’s back-to-school fundraiser. The board chose to support early learners while giving back to the larger community as part of their efforts as a learning organization. They plan to extend their support to a wider range of schools and local communities in future years, as recommended by chapter members. In this way, they can gain positive publicity and recognition as a community partner supporting education.

YEAR: 2022

BAY COLONIES CHAPTER: “Get to Know Your Chapter” Video Series

SUMMARY: To foster a sense of community and strengthen their social media presence, the Bay Colonies Chapter created a video series to highlight chapter members. Participants sent in photos and videos of themselves to showcase their lives, jobs, hobbies, family, and more, which were edited together into video packages and shared across social media platforms. This campaign led to increased member engagement, including the recruitment of a new board member, and improved performance on social media (with their latest video receiving more than 550 views).

YEAR: 2022

CUYAHOGA VALLEY: All That and a Bag of ChIPs

SUMMARY: The Cuyahoga Valley chapter sought an innovative way to promote the Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) and increase the chapter’s revenue. The chapter purchased multicolored chip clips and bags of chips with an attached advertisement encouraging members and friends to use their chapter’s ChIP code when purchasing products and services via td.org. They distributed the bags of chips at dinner meetings, member appreciation events, and networking events. The chapter’s ChIP income more than doubled in 2019, from $400 in 2018 to more than $800 in 2019. These funds were used to send two board members to ALC, and the chapter hosted two member appreciation events.

YEAR: 2020

DETROIT CHAPTER: Professional Association Partnering

SUMMARY: The Detroit Chapter established a marketing partnership with other local professional associations, including the ATD Ann Arbor Chapter, Detroit Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) Michigan, and National Association of African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR)–State of Michigan. The chapter’s various partners have agreed to promote chapter events during their own programs, on social media, and by allowing representatives from each group to speak at one another’s events. Through the partnership, the chapter expanded its target audience, secured discounted event rates for chapter members, collaborated to host events, identified new ideas and strategies, and increased its social media presence.

  • Detroit - SOS Submission Form

  • Detroit - DSHRM Event Cross-Marketing Program

  • Detroit - DSHRM Cross-Marketing Partner Email

  • Detroit - ATD Detroit Chapter Meeting Slides

  • Detroit - Ann Arbor Chapter Website

YEAR: 2019

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Visual Newsletter

SUMMARY: To provide chapter members with an easily digestible newsletter, the chapter created an infographic that allowed readers to view all relevant information in one glance. The infographic contains information about the chapter and also references ATD content including articles, upcoming webcasts, upcoming conferences, and more to promote the value of ATD. The graphic is inserted into the chapter’s weekly e-blast email and linked to the PDF version for clickable content. The chapter received great engagement with newsletter format, and the click-through rate surpassed previous newsletters. Within the infographic, the chapter welcomed comments and suggestions for improvement to incorporate member feedback.

  • New York City - SOS Submission Form

  • New York City - Visual Newsletter

  • New York City - Video Briefing

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: The Buffalo Niagara Chapter needed a way to quickly and easily create visuals for both digital and print marketing. With Canva, designs created by any individual can be shared with the team and leveraged for new designs or downloaded and used multiple times. The improved marketing has increased the chapter’s overall community engagement and attendance at events.

  • Buffalo Niagara - SOS Submission Form

  • Buffalo Niagara - Graphic Specs

  • Buffalo Niagara - Examples

  • Buffalo Niagara - Picture 1

  • Buffalo Niagara - Picture 2

YEAR: 2018

AUSTIN CHAPTER: Don’t Forget Your Members

SUMMARY: The chapter aimed to help new members feel welcome and notify them about chapter activities while acknowledging renewing members and keeping them engaged by sending a personalized postcard printed through Zazzle. The process has been in place for three months, and the chapter has seen an uptick in new member registration for chapter meetings and special interest group (SIG) events.

  • Austin - SOS Submission Form

  • Austin - Postcard Example 1

  • Austin - Postcard Example 2

  • Austin - Postcard Example 3

YEAR: 2018

LONG ISLAND CHAPTER: Booth at SHRM’s Annual Conference

SUMMARY: To promote the chapter to professionals in the local area, the chapter held a booth at its local SHRM Annual Conference. The chapter aimed to build awareness and visibility particularly within the SHRM community. When the chapter registered for a booth, it received a reusable banner and raffle basket. The table had marketing materials provided by ATD as well as chapter promotional materials. The exhibition opportunity has led to an increase in chapter event attendance, which the chapter hopes will convert into new memberships.

  • Long Island - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2018

UTAH CHAPTER: Using Google AdWords to Promote Your Chapter

SUMMARY: The Utah Chapter signed up with Google for Nonprofits and enrolled in the Google Ad Grants program, which allows for $10,000 a month in AdWords advertising. Taking advantage of this opportunity proved to be a quick and easy way to promote awareness of ATD and its offerings to talent development professionals in Utah. The chapter has campaigns set up for membership, monthly events, and its annual conference. Over the last year, the chapter received $1,250 in free advertising and their ads have been viewed 32,743 times and clicked 810 times.

  • Utah - SOS Submission Form

  • Utah - Ad Grants for Chapters

YEAR: 2017

AUSTIN CHAPTER: All in One Board Business Cards

SUMMARY: Inspired by a previous SOS, this chapter designed and printed a single business card for all board members. The chapter realized that printed cards for each board member were wasted each year. As a result, the card the chapter created provides all contact information for chapter leaders and its media contacts. Because the board felt a tangible, personal connection was important when greeting potential or current members, the card has space for each board member to fill in his or her own information. The template was created on MOO.com and it can easily be updated for future use. Printing 400 cards cost $109, and the cards were distributed to all board members.

  • Austin - SOS Submission Form

  • Austin - Business Card

YEAR: 2017


SUMMARY: To increase the amount of interest in people volunteering on committees, the chapter created a poster template for each committee to use at networking and learning events. The chapter’s succession plan includes the need for a member to be on a committee prior to becoming a board member. The posters provide new and seasoned members with the knowledge on how to increase their professional skills in talent development by becoming a committee member. They also allow the vice president of the committee to network with all members and discuss the needs of their group.

  • Central Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Pennsylvania - Poster Template

  • Central Pennsylvania - Picture of the Programming Committee Poster

  • Central Pennsylvania - Poster Template for the Marketing Team

  • Central Pennsylvania - Networking Event Membership Poster

YEAR: 2017


SUMMARY: The chapter created business cards for the board members to pass out at local professional events, conferences, and meetings. The cards contain the chapter’s ChIP code, address, domain, and logo on one side and a custom QR code that points to its online calendar of events on the back side. The initial design did not require much time to put together, and the cost was minimal. The board members distributed all of the original order of 500 cards at local events such as PMI, SHRM and Chamber of Commerce and had to reorder several times. This small gesture generated interest for the chapter in the community.

  • Florida Suncoast - SOS Submission Form

  • Florida Suncoast - Picture of Business Cards

YEAR: 2016

GOLDEN GATE CHAPTER: Community Outreach Programs

SUMMARY: The Community Outreach Program (COP) is one of the Golden Gate Chapter’s on-going Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The COP consists of Chapter volunteers who donate their professional services – needs analysis, instructional design, training delivery, and meeting facilitation – to non-profit organizations in the Bay Area. COP uses ISD principles to build its learning solutions so there is efficient flow and tracking for the various projects.

  • Golden Gate - Community Outreach Submission

  • Golden Gate - Program Description

  • Golden Gate - Outreach Program Processes

  • Golden Gate - Outreach Program Testimonials

  • Golden Gate - VP of Community Outreach Job Description

YEAR: 2012

CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER: Sponsorship and Advertising Media Kit

SUMMARY: Several chapter leaders collaborated to create an online media kit that promotes the chapter, and outlines a menu of advertising and sponsorship opportunities for businesses and organizations.

  • Central Florida - Media Kit Submission

  • Central Florida - Published Media Kit

  • Central Florida - Writable Media Kit

YEAR: 2012

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Wild Apricot Sidekick

SUMMARY: The New York City Chapter developed an onscreen quick reference guide to support chapter leaders in creating consistent and complete event listings in Wild Apricot. Their Wild Apricot sidekick guides users through each step in the event creation process with helpful screenshots and tips. It provides an easy-to-use template to ensure volunteers have all the necessary information before publishing. The guide is hosted through a free Google Site, which houses all the documented processes and allows for instantaneous updates without draining chapter resources. The sidekick is editable and can be easily tailored to the needs of other chapters looking to implement something similar. This new tool has allowed the chapter to streamline its event creation and management process and reduce errors for members attempting to register for events.

YEAR: 2023

METRO DC CHAPTER: Website Revamp Project

SUMMARY: The director of communication took on the project of reformatting and updating the Metro DC Chapter’s website and used the director of technology and vice president of learning for extra assistance. The team aimed to make the website easier to navigate with a visually appealing look to create a customer-centric experience. The other goal of the website update was to grab the attention of and usher in a younger demographic into the chapter. After a thorough process, the website enhancements were marketed heavily through social media to generate excitement among members. After the new website launched, the chapter saw an increase in visitors, site visit duration, and revenue.

YEAR: 2021

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: “Starting Soon” Manual Event Reminder Email in Wild Apricot

SUMMARY: The New York City Chapter desired to send a reminder email a few hours before chapter events as it noticed that registrants were not responding to reminder emails sent the day prior and attendance was taking a hit. To address the issue, the chapter established a job aid allowing chapter leaders to send a “starting soon” reminder email to registrants one to two hours before an event’s start time. Through the incorporation of the “starting soon” reminder email, the chapter increased registrant attendance by approximately 10 percent, averaging a 50–60 percent rate of attendance for registrants.

YEAR: 2021

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Knowledge Center on Wild Apricot Website

SUMMARY: The Knowledge Center serves as the repository for recordings and documents from chapter events and is accessible to members only through the chapter’s website. For chapter events, webinars, and SIG events, the chapter posts the slide presentation, embeds any event recordings, and uploads other documents/handouts provided at the event. Through the repository, the chapter provides members access to content and allows them to access all programming benefits that come with chapter membership.

YEAR: 2018

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