September 2016
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The Buzz

The Importance of Frequent Feedback

Sunday, September 4, 2016

According to recent research, around 90 percent of managers say they have avoided giving feedback to employees out of fear that they will react poorly. However this lack of feedback has led to an increase in confusion among employees. More than half of 30,000 employees surveyed by Leadership IQ recently said they have no idea if they are doing a good job, or if they are performing up to their manager’s expectations. What’s more, only 29 percent say they “always” know where their performance should be. The answer to that problem, according to many experts, is frequency. There is a twofold benefit to increasing the frequency of feedback. First, employees are more likely to take constructive criticism positively, and second, confusion surrounding their performance obligations is mitigated. When feedback is withheld, for whatever reason, management deprives the employee of a chance to fix a problem, and resentment grows while productivity stalls. A significant number of employees (39 percent, according to the survey) say they would immediately try to correct issues when told about them.

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