November 2015
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The Buzz

Creating Productive Office Spaces

Friday, November 20, 2015

The average employee spends just as much time at the office, if not more, than they do at home. If the office is a dreary, uncomfortable place to be, it can seriously affect not only employee productivity and morale, but mental and physical health as well. Employers understand that people's surroundings have a direct impact on the way they feel, and employees who feel calm, happy, and confident will in turn be more loyal, productive, and well adjusted. One of the first ways employers can make the office a more pleasant space is to allow for natural light. When organizing a floor plan, it’s important to ensure every employee has access to a window—not only the higher-ups in their offices. Temperature is also something to consider; while it’s impossible to please everyone, office managers should try and keep the temperature as close to ambient as possible. Also, ensuring access to fresh air every now and again can help—if the weather permits, open some windows. Keeping a quiet workplace will also help employees accomplish their tasks, so even if the layout is open and collaborative, make sure there are quiet retreats for employees if they need them. 

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