April 2015
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The Buzz

Minimal Management

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One of the biggest problems with management in the global workforce may be that there is simply too much of it. At its core, management should be a tool for improving productivity, but too much management can actually damage overall output. This is why many companies are switching to more of a minimalist management style, which focuses only on the most essential functions of management, and eliminates unnecessary practices that get in the way of productive work. Traditional management has been about measuring employees' performance based on how well they are performing their day-to-day tasks. However, a minimalist style is focused on measuring performance based on employee results. If employees are meeting goals and accomplishing everything required of them, their approach makes little difference. Instead of prying into employees' individual processes, minimalist managers will instead focus on helping their employees meet production goals. In the minimalist office, meetings are also given low priority, as they are seen as major productivity killers.

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