February 2017
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The Buzz

Alabama Is the Most Engaged State

Monday, February 20, 2017

According to a report released by Gallup, Alabama has the highest percentage of engaged employees in the United States. At 37 percent, the state barely beats Delaware, Kentucky, and Louisiana, which followed at 36 percent. Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas all have engagement rates of 35 percent. At the other end of the engagement spectrum, 21 percent of workers in West Virginia are actively disengaged at work, while 19 percent of workers in Nevada, New Mexico, New York, and Pennsylvania are disengaged in the workplace. According to researchers, “It is possible workers in states with lower engagement and higher percentages of college graduates are not in jobs that fit their formal training. The cumulative data appear to connect higher levels of engagement with small businesses and autonomy.” There is also a link between engagement and the condition of the regional job market. States with higher percentages of actively disengaged individuals have higher unemployment rates. The five states that had at least 19 percent of actively disengaged employees averaged a 7.2 percent unemployment rate.

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