February 2017
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The Buzz

Reducing Favoritism

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Often organizations will promote an hourly employee to a position of more authority. However, when a regular from within the company moves to a titled job, that organization needs to provide the person with training to not inadvertently discriminate against workers who were formerly their peers. After the promotion, this employee should no longer view themselves as “one of the guys,” and must remove themselves from those under their direct supervision. If this distinction is not made, it could lead to accusations of favoritism, decreased morale, and costly litigation. Simply put, favoritism is preferring one employee over another. This can be a fair or unfair act; however, to mitigate the risk of complications, it’s important that an organization have a clear policy regarding favoritism, and that newly promoted individuals are trained on this policy. A company should examine the effects of favoritism through the supervisory chain, and reduce (where possible) the hiring of friends and family members, as well as terminations on personal grounds.

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