December 2015
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The Buzz

Closing the Skills Gap

Monday, November 30, 2015

As the economy improves both locally and globally, business leaders are finding it harder to fill empty positions. There are several reasons for this. First, the global marketplace has become very technical, very quickly. Even a decade ago, an employee with clearly defined technical skills worked in a hyper-specified role; however, these days it’s important for every employee at an organization to have some level of technical proficiency, from coding to design work. The pace of this shift has led to what many call the skills gap. Simply put, there aren’t enough trained workers to fill vacant roles. Another reason for this widening gap is the relationship between the education system and the business world. Many believe that schools and universities offer little real-world preparation for students, although a huge premium is placed on the importance of having a degree. To address the widening skills gap, many businesses are offering on- and off-site training for their employees, preferring to invest in their workers rather than looking to external sources to fill the gap.

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