December 2015
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The Buzz

2016 Workplace Predictions

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The modern workplace is always evolving, and as 2016 approaches, there are several trends that managers should keep an eye on. For one, it’s likely that more companies will be providing entertainment experiences. Entertainment companies are increasingly providing experiences—such as streaming music and on-demand articles—rather than physical products, and that will pave the way for different types of entertainment careers. Another big trend in 2016 will be that more jobs will require the analysis of big data. As globalization and the government-mandated cost of doing business increases, businesses are feeling tremendous pressure to become as efficient as possible. Both the public and private sector are turning to sophisticated software to analyze data, and to become more productive as a result. Another trend on the horizon is the increased utilization of remote employees. As office rents and commute times increase, employees and employers alike have begun telecommuting, at least for a portion of the week. As technology improves, the types of work that can be completed and monitored over an Internet connection will broaden, and more workers will begin to take advantage of new options that allow them to work from home.

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