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Joint Membership

TULSA CHAPTER: Launch Your Chapter to Power Member Super Star Status

SUMMARY: The Tulsa Chapter sought to increase its joint membership percentage from 40 to 50 percent in one year by implementing five successful strategies. The chapter agreed to share monthly updates about Power Membership during board meetings, joined the Chapter Membership on the ATD Store Program, and highlighted the benefits of Power Membership to chapter members through promotion and discounts at chapter events. Additionally, the chapter reached out to ATD members in the state and encouraged members to attend ATD 2018 as part of the Tulsa Chapter’s team. As a result of its efforts, the chapter achieved 51 percent joint membership five months before its stated goal and received Membership Super Star recognition for 2018.

YEAR: 2019

PITTSBURGH CHAPTER: Leveraging National Membership Benefit for Chapter Book Club

SUMMARY: To promote and generate interest in Power Membership, the chapter used an e-book available through ATD as a member benefit for its book club selection. The chapter promoted the book club to members and created an event on the chapter website to track of registration. The book club met once per month with a three-month focus on one book culminating in two virtual meetings and one in-person meeting. Through the book club, the chapter encouraged use of ATD member benefits, invited people to participate in industry-related conversations, and boosted engagement.

YEAR: 2018

CENTRAL IOWA CHAPTER: TD Educational Webinars: eBooks

SUMMARY: The chapter does not have a Past President role; however, outgoing presidents are now a part of the Education Committee as the ATD Liaison. This role helps chapter members see the benefits, tools and resources that ATD provides to members and to the chapter. This year, two webinars were created, "Talent Development Education: eBooks with Alan", hosted by the 2015 Past President, Alan Fierer. These webinars had higher than average attendance, received positive feedback from attendees and helped increase the chapter’s Power Member numbers.

YEAR: 2015

ST. LOUIS CHAPTER: Member Emeritus Program

SUMMARY: Beginning December 2013, the St. Louis chapter initiated the Member Emeritus category and honorary title. The membership category was created to honor long term members for their service and time with the chapter. To qualify the member must be in good standing and have maintained continuous chapter membership for a period of 10 years. Along with this honor, each Member Emeritus receives a complimentary renewal to the chapter each year as long as the member maintains an active ATD National membership.

YEAR: 2014

LAKE SUPERIOR CHAPTER: Power Membership Scavenger Hunt

SUMMARY: To promote power membership and enlighten chapter members to professional development opportunities outside of the chapter, the Lake Superior Chapter developed the Power Membership Scavenger Hunt. Through the activity, chapter members were actively engaged in locating information on the ATD website and in T+D Magazine, and questions focused on additional education opportunities including conferences, blogs, webcasts, and the Communities of Practice.

YEAR: 2014


SUMMARY: The chapter had a goal to increase joint membership by 10% so they significantly publicized and communicated “Power of 2” through their website, at meetings and special events, and by email.

YEAR: 2009

BAY COLONIES CHAPTER: Leveraging Partnerships to Increase Membership Value

SUMMARY: In 2022, the Bay Colonies Chapter partnered with Skillsoft/Percipio to offer free licenses to chapter members as an additional membership benefit. This partnership allowed chapter members to utilize Percipio for less than a third of its usual cost. In addition to serving as a standalone value-add, the chapter also designed virtual programming around Percipio material to showcase the value of the program and included information on the benefit as part of their marketing and onboarding processes.

  • Bay Colonies - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2023

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Chapter Value Proposition

SUMMARY: The Central Indiana Chapter was looking for a unique way to re-engage lapsed members. The board discussed, determined, and voted on the top 10 reasons for lapsed members to renew. The board created postcards of those reasons to renew with the chapter and sent them to lapsed members. In total, 190 postcards were sent, and 38 members (20 percent) renewed.

  • Central Indiana - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Indiana - Postcard

YEAR: 2021

GREATER ATLANTA CHAPTER: Multipronged Engagement Strategy to Increase Membership

SUMMARY: To address the decline in membership, chapter leadership worked diligently on a marketing and engagement strategy. Chapter leaders redesigned the chapter’s website, highlighted the chapter’s value proposition, and connected chapter leaders with members and prospects. The strategy culminated in a chapter leadership roundtable and networking event. Through the chapter’s efforts, it gained one new sponsor, three new members, and 19 membership renewals.

  • Greater Atlanta - SOS Submission Form

  • Greater Atlanta - Event Email

  • Greater Atlanta - Twitter Post

  • Greater Atlanta - Facebook Post

  • Greater Atlanta - Linked Recap Post

  • Greater Atlanta - Scavenger Hunt

YEAR: 2021

CUYAHOGA VALLEY CHAPTER: Growing Our Geographic Footprint

SUMMARY: Board members of the chapter attended a session at the ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC) on hosting chapter events based on the geographical footprint of ATD members in the chapter’s market. Using the ATD member list by state provided by chapter services, the board identified 20 to 30 national members in Stark County and surrounding areas who were not chapter members. The chapter reached out to the ATD national members and found there was interest in creating a geographic interest group (GIG) to hold quarterly professional development workshops. The chapter also reached out via email and LinkedIn to individuals who are ATD national-only members and offered to facilitate a meeting on the benefits of both chapter and ATD membership, power membership. Through this initiative, the chapter gained seven new power members within one month of the first meeting, increasing the chapter’s total membership by 13 percent.

  • Cuyahoga Valley - SOS Submission Form

  • Cuyahoga Valley - Stark County Special Meeting E-mail Example

  • Cuyahoga Valley - Photo of Meeting

YEAR: 2020

PUGET SOUND CHAPTER: State Meetup at ATD 2018’s Ice Cream Social

SUMMARY: To engage with local talent development professionals, foster networking, and increase the number of ATD members involved in the Puget Sound Chapter, the chapter leaders decided to host a state-wide meetup during the ATD International Conference & Exposition. There were no costs associated with the event, as the chapter capitalized on having the meetup during the conference’s ice cream social. Many attendees were not local chapter members, leading to a surge in new members in addition to identifying a need for a Geographic Interest Group (GIG) on the east side of the state.

  • Puget Sound - SOS Submission Form

  • Puget Sound - Email

YEAR: 2018

SACRAMENTO CHAPTER: Inclusion Initiative

SUMMARY: The Sacramento Chapter strived to connect veterans with talent development professionals, and provide networking opportunities to better serve the community. The veteran’s initiative includes a special pricing structure to attract individuals who specifically have a training background and can benefit from chapter membership and involvement. Another purpose of this initiative is to help new veterans who are in the process of transitioning into civilian life. The chapter has received positive feedback, high satisfaction levels, and more inquiries about membership. The chapter even had a 10-person group join the chapter through the initiative.

  • Sacramento - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2017

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Best Places to Work Initiative

SUMMARY: The chapter acquired the list of companies who were selected for “Best Places to Work” in the area and compiled a list of 70 contacts, one from each workplace. The chapter president drafted handwritten notes inviting the contacts to attend a monthly program for free. A special promo code for Wild Apricot was provided, which allowed the chapter to capture additional contact information. The notes were mailed out along with two business cards, a chapter business card and personal business card. The personal business card created a connection with the chapter president.

  • Central Indiana - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2017

SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER: Membership Strategy

SUMMARY: The chapter aimed to increase membership by 20 percent, an end goal of 250 active members. The chapter designed a high-touch outreach strategy to connect with new and renewing, and lapsed members. The strategy involved a combination of emails and phone calls that ensured a board member connected with the member. As a result, the number of chapter members from July 2015 to June 2016, increased from 211 to 255. The personal contact created new connections and goodwill that encouraged engagement with the chapter and increased program attendance. Finally, this campaign also promoted Power Membership, which increased to 40 percent during this term.

  • South Florida - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016


SUMMARY: The chapter created a video that was shown at its talent development conference. The purpose of the video was to reinforce the chapter’s local presence, because building relationships and being part of a local network can help develop careers. The chapter received excellent feedback from the participants at the conference and several guests told the board of directors that they were emotionally moved by watching the video because they could relate to the story. Additionally, the video illustrates how being part of a nonprofit professional organization can help career growth and personal fulfillment. Overall, this video aided in the chapter’s value proposition.

  • Los Angeles - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016

NORTHEAST WISCONSIN CHAPTER: Spring Membership Drive and Networking Event

SUMMARY:The chapter used an ATD state member list to target the 70 non-chapter members in the area. A newly designed membership brochure, including an invitation to a networking event, a free drink ticket and free appetizers was mailed to potential members. Those who attended received prizes and half priced chapter membership if they joined that night. Twenty-five people attended the event and the chapter gained five new members.

  • Northeast Wisconsin - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2015

SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER: Public Relations and Membership Drive

SUMMARY: The Southwest Florida Chapter chose to act as a sponsor of the Human Resources Tri-County Conference with the intention of introducing attendees to their local ATD chapter and to promote membership. The chapter utilized ATD marketing materials, promoted a special membership offering, and offered prizes for giveaways. The chapter not only recruited new chapter members but increased its prospective member list and its reach in the local community.

  • Southwest Florida - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2013


SUMMARY: The Chicagoland Chapter successfully implemented a 1Q membership drive that increased new members by 19 percent year over year for 1Q. The membership drive incentivized new members with the chance to win free registration to a national ATD education program. The chapter also waived their new member processing fee. The membership drive was promoted through social media sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook) along with a direct email campaign.

  • Chicagoland - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2012

CHARLOTTE CHAPTER: Virtual Guest Pass Program

SUMMARY: The Charlotte chapter budgeted to allow each member to potentially bring one guest to any chapter program during the year. This was a marketing effort toward member recruitment.

  • Charlotte – SOS Submission Form

  • Charlotte – Bring a Guest Announcement

YEAR: 2010

RESEARCH TRIANGLE CHAPTER: Munch & Mingles (No-Cost Networking)

SUMMARY: Munch & Mingles are easy to coordinate events which are free to members; the only cost is name tags. Since you don’t have to reserve a meeting space, you don’t have to be concerned about registration, venue/meal costs or other logistics. We invite members and non-members to attend this event. Many needs are addressed by these events such as the recruitment of new members.

  • Research Triangle Area – SOS Submission Form

  • Research Triangle Area - M&M Event Mailer

  • Research Triangle Area - M&M Logo

  • Research Triangle Area - M&M Save the Date

  • Research Triangle Area - Event Sign

YEAR: 2009

GREATER ATLANTA CHAPTER: Membership Renewals Telephone Drive

SUMMARY: To encourage non-members to join the Greater Atlanta chapter, in January 2009 the chapter kicked-off a membership discount program. When a non-ASTD Atlanta member attends a SIG/GIG event and pays the $20 attendance fee then they have to opportunity for the next 10 business days to join the local chapter for the discounted price of $90.
Atlanta - SOS Submission Form
YEAR: 2009

RESEARCH TRIANGLE AREA CHAPTER: Member Value, Engagement, & Development

SUMMARY: During 2006 the Research Triangle Area chapter experienced a decline in membership by 13% and decided to focus efforts on increasing value, engagement and development of members as a way to retain existing members and attract new members.

  • Research Triangle Area - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2009


SUMMARY: The chapter added meeting information (time, location, map, web URL) to back of chapter leadership business cards. On front of card, they added "Attend one meeting free with this card."

  • Springfield Branson - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2009


SUMMARY: The New Orleans Chapter's board was committed to increasing the membership. They implemented a program where each national ASTD member that attended their monthly meeting was entered into a drawing for a 1 year membership.

  • New Orleans - SOS Submission Form

  • New Orleans - Membership Application

YEAR: 2008

MIDLANDS CHAPTER: Admit One Guest Pass

SUMMARY: The Midlands Chapter posted a “guest pass” on their website for prospective members to attend a free meeting. After meetings, the chapter follows up with prospects that use the passes and has experienced a 38 percent conversion rate of pass users becoming members.

  • Midlands - SOS Submission Form

  • Midlands - Free Meeting Ticket

  • Midlands - Ticket Roster Sample

YEAR: 2007


SUMMARY: The Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter’s vice president of marketing divided a list of national members in the area, and board officers invited them to a free networking event. The chapter offered a reduced membership fee ($10 off the regular fee) if the person joined the chapter the evening of the networking event and a reduced fee ($10 off the regular renewal fee) to renew chapter membership.

  • Eastern Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2007


SUMMARY: The Puget Sound Chapter held a “Membership Madness” campaign that involved offering discounted memberships to non-members at their “Future of Training Conference” and at a chapter meeting, at which they had a “Bring a Guest” promotion.

  • Puget Sound - SOS Submission Form

  • Puget Sound - Membership Application

  • Puget Sound - Membership Talking Points

YEAR: 2006

LAKE SUPERIOR CHAPTER: Making the Most of Your Member Appreciation Night

SUMMARY: To celebrate their membership, the Lake Superior Chapter hosted a member appreciation night focused on professional and personal empowerment. The program featured a keynote presentation, professional headshots for attendees, networking opportunities, door prizes, and complimentary hors d’oeuvres. The event, free for members plus one guest each, aimed to combine networking, learning, and professional development opportunities. The chapter received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees, engaged a significant portion of their existing membership, and recruited new members—growing their membership by approximately 10 percent.

YEAR: 2024

DETROIT CHAPTER: Member Anniversary Recognition

SUMMARY: Wanting to recognize longtime chapter members, the Detroit Chapter developed a member anniversary recognition program to appreciate individuals who maintained a chapter membership for five or more years. Individuals were recognized via in-person and virtual programming, featured on chapter social media, and presented with gifts based on their tenure, including personalized journals and ATD Detroit jackets. The program successfully celebrated longtime members and now incentivizes newer chapter members to maintain their membership moving forward.

  • Detroit - SOS Submission Form

  • Detroit - Program Proposal

  • Detroit - 5 Year Gift

  • Detroit - 10 Year Gift

YEAR: 2023

CHARLOTTE CHAPTER: Giving Back—A Member Thank You

SUMMARY: After more than a year of exclusively virtual programming, the Charlotte Area Chapter wanted to recognize their membership and thank them for their continued support. Due to the decreased costs of virtual programming, the chapter had a budget surplus and used it to purchase gifts for members during the holiday season. After proposing several ideas, the board chose to send each chapter member a $10 Amazon e-gift card. As a result, several chapter members re-engaged with the chapter and reached out to the board to express their gratitude.

  • Charlotte - SOS Submission Form

  • Charlotte - Gift Notification Email

YEAR: 2022

CENTRAL IOWA: Membership Week Engagement

In 2020, The Central Iowa Chapter hosted a robust and engaging Member Week. Throughout the week, chapter members had various opportunities to win giveaways and engage with the chapter in a meaningful way. Giveaways included an ATD Professional Plus membership, an ATD book bundle of the winner’s choice, and an ATD certificate course. Every day the chapter posed a question in the chapter’s discussion group to encourage members to engage with each other. Due to the successful member week, the chapter’s discussion group added 10 new members, and the chapter welcomed 11 new members in the days following.

  • Central Iowa - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Iowa - Member Week Giveaways

  • Central Iowa - Member Week Email

YEAR: 2021

MADISON CHAPTER: Getting to Know ATD MAC and Special Thank-You Mailing Surprise

In September 2020, during Member Appreciation Month, the Madison Area Board showed appreciation to its members through a physical mailing. The outreach campaign’s goal was to reinforce to membership that the chapter is available to support its members’ talent development and networking needs during a hard time. The board mailed thank-you cards to each member that included a flier detailing updates on the chapter, different ways to connect with the chapter, and a branded pen and notepad. The members in the chapter’s new all-access membership received an additional gift card. The total cost for postage, gift cards, notepads, pens, envelopes, and printing was approximately $1,200. Due to the success of the campaign, the chapter now mails welcome packages to new members as they join.

  • Madison - SOS Submission Form

  • Madison - Thank You Card

YEAR: 2021

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Recognizing Chapter Volunteers With Digital Badges

The New York City Chapter sought a more meaningful way to recognize its volunteers. Previously, the chapter handed out certificates to the volunteers at its year-end volunteer appreciation event. In 2019, the chapter distributed digital badges to volunteers in recognition of their service. Using the free platform Badgr, the board created virtual badges to include the chapter’s logo, year, and volunteer role. Volunteers can showcase the badge on social media, personal websites, LinkedIn profiles, and in their email signatures. The digital badge allows volunteers to proudly and more broadly showcase their chapter volunteer efforts.

  • New York City - SOS Submission

  • New York City - Digital Badge Offerings

YEAR: 2020

ST. LOUIS CHAPTER: Member Emeritus Program

SUMMARY: Beginning December 2013, the St. Louis chapter initiated the Member Emeritus category and honorary title. The membership category was created to honor long term members for their service and time with the chapter. To qualify the member must be in good standing and have maintained continuous chapter membership for a period of 10 years. Along with this honor, each Member Emeritus receives a complimentary renewal to the chapter each year as long as the member maintains an active ATD National membership.

  • St. Louis - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2014


SUMMARY: The Greater Detroit Chapter established a monthly member profile shared online via the chapter's blog and other social media channels. The purpose of the profile is to recognize and appreciate chapter members, facilitate networking connections among our chapter members, and encourage non-members to join the chapter.

  • Greater Detroit - SOS Submission Form

  • Greater Detroit - Member of the Month Profile

YEAR: 2014


SUMMARY: In an effort to recognize members the chapter decided to spotlight members in its chapter newsletter. By spotlighting members, it brings awareness to the rest of the chapter about who the chapter consists of, what they do, where they word, and diversity within the chapter. This effort also increased chapter membership loyalty.

  • Central Missouri - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2010

Mid-New Jersey Chapter: Member Survey

SUMMARY: The Mid-New Jersey Chapter created a survey for its members to complete so the chapter could gain insight into what members experienced professionally and within the chapter during the pandemic. The survey also covered what their expectations will be post-pandemic. More than 50 percent of the chapter completed the survey. Several participants expressed interest in volunteering. The results of the survey will direct the chapter’s 2022 operation plan.

  • Mid-New Jersey - SOS Submission Form

  • Mid-New Jersey - Survey Questions

  • Mid-New Jersey - Survey Marketing

YEAR: 2021

PIEDMONT CHAPTER: Reverse Call-A-Thon Member Survey

SUMMARY: The Piedmont Chapter desired to reach out to their membership on an individual basis to learn how they could better support their members. To spice up the act of cold-calling and to alleviate any hesitations, the chapter leadership held these information-gathering-calls together and gathered feedback to better their chapter experience.

  • Piedmont - SOS Submission Form

  • Piedmont - Pre-Call Survey Questions

YEAR: 2013


SUMMARY: The Greater Philadelphia Chapter was able to increase membership from fewer than 200 members to over 300 in less than a year by contacting the prospective members in their database.

  • Greater Philadelphia - SOS Submission Form

  • Greater Philadelphia - New Member Form

YEAR: 2008

MIDLANDS CHAPTER: Membership Survey

SUMMARY: The Midlands Chapter uses an electronic annual survey to find out about member satisfaction and collect data for planning chapter meetings and events. The chapter received a 60 percent response rate in 2007. To incentivize members, they place participants’ names in a drawing for a prize.

  • Midlands - SOS Submission Form

  • Midlands - Membership Survey

  • Midlands - Membership Survey Results

  • Midlands - President's Message

YEAR: 2007

BAY COLONIES CHAPTER: Welcome Letter with Easy Links

SUMMARY: In response to data collected by a new member survey, the Bay Colonies Chapter decided to revise its welcome letter for new members. Working with their marketing and communications VPs, the board crafted a new introductory email that fit their chapter communication style without being text heavy. The revised version also included a clear list of helpful links for new members so they could easily access key chapter resources.

YEAR: 2022

KANSAS CITY CHAPTER: Orientation and Engagement

SUMMARY: To improve member engagement and increase retention, the chapter created an ambassador program to assist new members with assimilating into the chapter through personal welcomes done by phone or in person. During the welcome visits or conversations, the ambassador introduced new members to the benefits of membership, connected them with other members with similar interests, and shared volunteer opportunities. In addition, new members were given an opportunity at the monthly meetings to introduce themselves. The program is supported by a team of four volunteers and one director. Because of the program, new member engagement has increased through greater attendance at events and increased interest in volunteering for committees. Since 2016, the chapter has reached out to more than 100 new members.

YEAR: 2018

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: On-Demand New Member Orientation

SUMMARY: The chapter, working with a local college, brought in an intern to develop an online new member orientation program. The project gave the intern experience with asynchronous, online learning development and working with the local chapter. The chapter purchased a two-month license for Captivate to develop the orientation at a cost of $59.95. The effort provided new members an immediate orientation to the chapter and relieved the VP of Membership to focus on other initiatives as opposed to conducting regular orientations. Through this process, the chapter learned that it takes time to incorporate the learning into Wild Apricot to make it available to members, and would allot more time for this phase in the future. The orientation is set to be updated on a two-year cycle.

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Engagement Through New Member Orientation

SUMMARY: To streamline the process a new chapter member experiences after joining, the Vice President of Membership and President-Elect developed a New Member Orientation Program to complement the informal welcome new members received upon joining the chapter. New members who joined in the past six months are invited to attend the orientation. The chapter currently offers the formal session twice per year immediately following a chapter event, which is promoted through the monthly newsletter, social media, and in person. It has increased monthly programming, specifically with new members and the chapter has seen that new members have become involved quicker with chapter committees and volunteer/leadership roles.

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: New Member Welcome Postcard

SUMMARY: The chapter created a branded postcard with a special message from the chapter’s board of directors. This postcard is signed by each board member and sent to new members within the first month of their membership to welcome them to the chapter and extend an open invitation for frequent communication among the board, volunteers, and membership. Eight months after implementation, the chapter has seen a 13 percent increase in new members. The chapter also implemented a new member orientation on a quarterly basis.

YEAR: 2016

CASCADIA CHAPTER: Membership Cards

SUMMARY: The chapter developed a process to send out membership cards to new members on a monthly basis. The cards include the member’s name and membership end date in addition to the chapter’s logo and contact information. Although new members receive a welcome email from the chapter, the cards add a personal touch.

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: Developing an ATD Chapter Map for Pennsylvania

SUMMARY: To facilitate networking, the Central Pennsylvania Chapter desired to show from which counties in the state its members reside as part of the chapter’s new member orientation program. The Vice President of Membership contacted her counterparts at the other Pennsylvania chapters for assistance. After information gathering was complete, one of the chapter’s members with strong graphic design skills volunteered to assist with the map’s design. When the map was finalized, the image was posted on the chapter’s website and shared with fellow chapter leaders in the state.

YEAR: 2016

CHARLOTTE CHAPTER: Chapter Ambassadors Program

SUMMARY: To attract and retain members, the chapter desired to create a reputation of being a warm and welcoming chapter through the Ambassador’s program. Duties of the ambassadors include greeting new members and guests as they arrive at chapter meetings, uncovering why they chose to attend the event, and assisting them in connecting with members and chapter resources. The ambassador group also designs ice breaker activities for each meeting that help members to learn more about each other and add fun to networking.

YEAR: 2014


SUMMARY: The chapter implemented a new member orientation to ensure that new chapter members were aware of all the local benefits. This process ensures that all their new members are engaged from day one.

YEAR: 2012


SUMMARY: The chapter implemented a new member orientation to ensure that new chapter members were aware of all the local benefits. This process ensures that all their new members are engaged from day one.

YEAR: 2012

CENTRAL OHIO CHAPTER: New Member Orientation Lunch

SUMMARY: The executive board members recognized that it may be difficult for a new member to feel included into an existing group or organization. The Membership Management team came up with the idea of developing and facilitating a member orientation program.

YEAR: 2009

GREATER TWIN CITIES CHAPTER: The Most Powerful Engagements Start Small

SUMMARY: To improve member engagement and foster connections within the chapter, the Twin Cities Chapter started monthly, facilitated small group discussions—two to three chapter members who hold similar professional roles came together to discuss their work challenges. The board drafted questions to guide the conversations, and a board member facilitated each session. The facilitator also supported the groups in brainstorming ideas for chapter growth. The small group setting and strategic selection of participants facilitated individuals to build relationships with professional peers and fellow chapter members. The discussion topics allowed chapter leaders to get a better idea of emerging professional challenges impacting their membership and tailor programming to those needs, while skilled facilitation encouraged members to take ownership of new projects. As a result, the chapter has increased general member engagement, developed two new communities of practice led by program participants, and recruited a volunteer liaison to focus on new member onboarding.

YEAR: 2022

ST. LOUIS CHAPTER: Fostering Connection With Members … and Furry Friends

SUMMARY: In search of an engaging way to return to in-person programming and a fun way to celebrate Member Appreciation Month, the chapter decided to host a member-only networking event at a pet-friendly bar. The unique setting allowed for chapter members to bring their furry friends with them while also providing an opportunity for member engagement and community building. The chapter also recognized its chapter volunteers and included fun giveaways as part of the program. The board received great feedback on the event, with 100 percent member satisfaction from attendees. Board members also recruited a new chapter volunteer and gauged interest in a new special interest group.

YEAR: 2022

BAY COLONIES CHAPTER: “Get to Know Your Chapter” Video Series

SUMMARY: To foster a sense of community and strengthen their social media presence, the Bay Colonies Chapter created a video series to highlight chapter members. Participants sent in photos and videos of themselves to showcase their lives, jobs, hobbies, family, and more, which were edited together into video packages and shared across social media platforms. This campaign led to increased member engagement, including the recruitment of a new board member, and improved performance on social media (with their latest video receiving more than 550 views).

YEAR: 2022

EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA: Using Video Quick Tips to Benefit Chapter Membership

SUMMARY: The Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter looked for unique ways to amplify awareness of the chapter and provide significant content to its members. Chapter leadership filmed Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) credential holders and executive-level talent development professionals sharing their tips about online learning, facilitating, employee engagement, and other topics. The videos were uploaded and housed on the chapter’s YouTube channel then shared via small clips to the chapter’s website and social media. Through this initiative, the chapter recruited two new board members who saw value in the work the chapter was doing. The chapter has more than 100 videos in its repository, with the most popular video topping 73 views. The feedback has been positive, and they are working to expand their digital content production.

YEAR: 2021

MADISON AREA CHAPTER: Book Swap As a Value-Add

SUMMARY: The Madison Area chapter incorporated a book swap into its annual summer social to increase engagement and add value for members. Attendees were encouraged to arrive at the social with a professional development book they found to be particularly impactful and a brief review summarizing their take-aways. The chapter also gave out bookmarks listing their remaining 2019 programs as a way to further encourage people to engage with the chapter. As a result of adding the book swap, the social’s attendance doubled, the chapter collected books that can be used as future giveaways, and the remaining books were donated to a local library.

  • Madison Area - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2019

NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Driving Engagement With the Past Presidents Council

SUMMARY: To ensure that tenured chapter leaders remain engaged, the Nebraska Chapter established a Past Presidents Council. The council meets quarterly to discuss the status of the chapter and has been a valuable source of strategic advice for current board members. In addition, the council has been directly responsible for conference and program planning efforts as well as continually improving the chapter’s succession plan.

  • Nebraska - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2019

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: Pre- and Post-ATD 2019 Members Huddle

SUMMARY: As a service to chapter members and nonmembers, the Central Pennsylvania Chapter organized pre and post-conference huddles to discuss the ATD International Conference & Exposition. During the preconference huddle, experienced conference-goers shared tips and tricks for planning your conference experience. At the post-conference event, attendees shared their thoughts about interesting sessions and “aha” moments. Veteran and first-time conference attendees benefited from the huddles. In addition, the chapter had an opportunity to engage and recruit potential members.

  • Central Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2019

NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Best Practices for Membership Engagement Through LinkedIn

SUMMARY: The chapter aimed to extend its reach on LinkedIn and build a social media following of its membership base and beyond. Because each channel is unique and requires its own strategy to maximize engagement, different tactics were built around the company page, group, and personal LinkedIn accounts for the chapter. Furthermore, targeted messaging on each page generated different conversations that varied the published content. Because LinkedIn is a main driver to the chapter’s website, the chapter believes this approach enables them to reach more people and deliver more relevant content.

YEAR: 2018

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: Networking Through Nonprofit Partnership

SUMMARY: Based on feedback from the chapter’s annual member survey, members suggested partnering with nonprofit organizations for a volunteer and networking opportunity. The board worked with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to set up an event that provided both organizations exposure to community members. Fifteen people participated in the two-hour event, and the chapter provided refreshments.

  • Central Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Testimonials

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Ad

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #1

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #2

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #3

YEAR: 2018

CUYAHOGA VALLEY CHAPTER: Partnering with the ATD Greater Cleveland Chapter

SUMMARY: The Cuyahoga Valley and Greater Cleveland chapters created a partnership five years ago where they co-host at least one joint event per year. The meeting is generally a larger event with more impact that allows the smaller chapter to bring some high-quality speakers to their membership base. The partnership also allows chapter members from either chapter to participate in both groups activities throughout the year.

YEAR: 2018

HAWAII CHAPTER: Our Learning Voyage!

SUMMARY: Over the years, the chapter found that free and low-cost learning programs were inadvertently creating a situation in which members could register then opt to not attend without consequence. This policy negatively impacted facilitators and room costs and limited the amount of networking opportunities for members who did attend. The board chose to reward those who attended by creating a map with 12 learning programs on it, each with a direct tie to an ATD area of expertise (AOE). It visually displays the voyage from learning program to learning program for the year. In addition to a stamping feature to encourage attendance, the map was posted on the chapter website so every member would be encouraged to attend events. Members who received seven or more stamps were entered into a drawing for a free annual Hawaii Chapter membership for themselves and a colleague of their choice, a $110 value.

YEAR: 2018

PIKES PEAK CHAPTER: Bringing ALC to Pikes Peak ATD Members

SUMMARY: To bring information from the 2017 ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC) back to the chapter and deliver conference value, the chapter leaders who attended created a web-based compilation of information using Storify. The conference Storify shared key points from each session with chapter members who did not attend and demonstrated value of attendance at ALC to prospective board members. The Storify increased the chapter’s Twitter reach and momentum during and after the conference as well as spurred new programming ideas for next year.

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: At each of the monthly events, the chapter gives away a speaker-selected book that the winner can grow from through reading and a basket with two bottles of wine. The giveaway helps promote the profession while making it fun. The chapter collects attendees' business cards, and the speaker randomly selects a card to identify the “Read Between the Wines” winner. The speaker gets to keep the business cards for networking and/or for possible prospecting. Anecdotal feedback from both speakers and attendees shows that all parties enjoy the initiative.

YEAR: 2017

CASCADIA CHAPTER: Partnership with UMU

SUMMARY: Through a partnership with UMU, the Cascadia chapter has offered just-in-time evaluations and on-the-spot polling capability for a variety of functions including their annual conference, monthly programs, and member meetings. The chapter engages speakers ahead of time by asking for three questions to add to the program as an initial survey. As participants enter, they can login using instructions on tent cards on each table and provide their answers to the questions. The board members also set up opportunities for “organic” Q&A, as well as a post-event evaluation. As a bonus, the chapter promotes its Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code by using it as the password for everyone to log on!

YEAR: 2017

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Member Engagement Punch Cards

SUMMARY: To engage members more and connect them with the chapter, the board created a punch card incentive system. Members can fill in their cards by attending programs, volunteering, and bringing guests. At the annual conference, everyone who has filled all 12 spaces on the card is entered into a raffle for a high-dollar prize such as an ATD Certificate course. The chapter made it easy for everyone to participate and has received positive feedback.

YEAR: 2017

ROCHESTER CHAPTER: Adjusting Fees to Increase Membership Participation

SUMMARY: The Rochester Chapter Board decided to create a membership bundle that included program registration rates in the price of its annual membership. This change in membership structure was driven in response to member feedback. By bundling membership and program registration into one price, the board attempted to remove any barriers for members or potential members to attend regular chapter meetings. Due to the restructuring efforts, the chapter increased its membership by 125 percent.

YEAR: 2017

ROCHESTER CHAPTER: Adding Membership Value With a Small and Mighty Team

SUMMARY: After attending the ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC), a member of the board brought back a strategic planning tool. The board used this tool to review the chapter’s current practices and identified areas for improvement. The team looked at everything the chapter was producing through a lens of how it adds value for the members, promotes community engagement, and increases the chapter’s operational focus. The board underwent this process in a strategy meeting, which helped the board become more organized and design ways to communicate more effectively with the chapter members.

  • Rochester - Strategic Compass

YEAR: 2017


SUMMARY: The chapter partnered with a local printing/engraving business to provide professional name badges to all members within three days of joining the chapter. The name badge cost is included in the membership price. In the new member application, the member identifies what information they want printed on the badge. New members are presented their badge and welcomed to the chapter at the next professional development event. Annually, members who do not pick up their badge will receive it in the mail. The chapter is not taking on any cost for this initiative, and members love wearing their badges to other events outside of the chapter. The chapter has gained additional members from the free advertising.

YEAR: 2016

BIG SKY CHAPTER: Partnering With Businesses to Improve Engagement

SUMMARY: Montana is a large state, but is ranked 44th in population. Because of this, the Big Sky Chapter is targeting the professionals in the entire Big Sky region, which includes all of Montana, northern Wyoming, western North and South Dakota, and northern Idaho. By working with First Interstate Bank, the chapter can connect through a web conferencing system to involve all members from anywhere. As a result of members being able to connect to meetings without the need to drive to Billings, Montana, chapter membership doubled in less than a year.

  • Big Sky - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: New Member Welcome Postcard

SUMMARY: The chapter created a branded postcard with a special message from the chapter’s board of directors. This postcard is signed by each board member and sent to new members within the first month of their membership to welcome them to the chapter and extend an open invitation for frequent communication among the board, volunteers, and membership. Eight months after implementation, the chapter has seen a 13 percent increase in new members. The chapter also implemented a new member orientation on a quarterly basis.

  • Central Indiana - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016


SUMMARY: The chapter created a video that was shown at its talent development conference. The purpose of the video was to reinforce the chapter’s local presence, because building relationships and being part of a local network can help develop careers. The chapter received excellent feedback from the participants at the conference and several guests told the board of directors that they were emotionally moved by watching the video because they could relate to the story. Additionally, the video illustrates how being part of a nonprofit professional organization can help career growth and personal fulfillment. Overall, this video aided in the chapter’s value proposition.

  • Los Angeles - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016

NORTHERN ROCKIES CHAPTER: Attracting Attendees at After-Work Networking Events

SUMMARY: ATD Northern Rockies implemented after-work networking events at local craft breweries in an effort to generate excitement and increase attendance at the chapter’s social events. The breweries provide an in-kind donation of beer, non-alcoholic beverages, and meeting space making it free for the chapter to provide this opportunity to its members and prospective members. These events serve as a revenue stream for the chapter as there are no expenses associated with the event. The networking events were also beneficial for succession planning as the chapter recruited two people to serve on the board of directors due to the opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with interested volunteers.

  • Northern Rockies - SOS Submission Form

  • Northern Rockies - Photo 1

  • Northern Rockies - Photo 2

YEAR: 2016

CASCADIA CHAPTER: Membership Cards

SUMMARY: The chapter developed a process to send out membership cards to new members on a monthly basis. The cards include the member’s name and membership end date in addition to the chapter’s logo and contact information. Although new members receive a welcome email from the chapter, the cards add a personal touch.

  • Cascadia - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016

CASCADIA CHAPTER: Name Badges Showing Member Status

SUMMARY: The chapter created various designs of name badges to recognize chapter members at events. The effort is another way to publicly support, acknowledge, and appreciate its members.

  • Cascadia - SOS Submission Form

  • Cascadia - Name Tag Template

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: Developing an ATD Chapter Map for Pennsylvania

SUMMARY: To facilitate networking, the Central Pennsylvania Chapter desired to show from which counties in the state its members reside as part of the chapter’s new member orientation program. The Vice President of Membership contacted her counterparts at the other Pennsylvania chapters for assistance. After information gathering was complete, one of the chapter’s members with strong graphic design skills volunteered to assist with the map’s design. When the map was finalized, the image was posted on the chapter’s website and shared with fellow chapter leaders in the state.

  • Central Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016


SUMMARY: After taking office, the chapter’s president noticed a continuing decline in chapter membership. To address this trend, the board focused on identifying ways to increase membership without spending any money. The board overhauled the website incrementally to increase its visual appeal and provide more up-to-date information to chapter members and prospects. As a result of its efforts, the chapter now has two monthly supporting sponsors, a growth in membership, and more members visiting and engaging with the website.

  • Southeastern Virginia - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2016

NORTH ALABAMA CHAPTER: Partnership with Local University - Legacy Christian University

SUMMARY: The North Alabama chapter partnered with Legacy Christian University (LCU) to obtain a 10% tuition discount for local chapter members. In return the chapter offers three free luncheon meetings to an employee of the college in 2016. Additionally, LCU is able to market its program offerings three times during the year at chapter meetings. This partnership has increased awareness and visibility of the chapter, while offering the members an additional and valuable benefit.

  • North Alabama - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2015

CENTRAL OKLAHOMA CHAPTER: Program Engagement and Membership Value Focus Aligned with ATD Re-branding

SUMMARY: The Central Oklahoma Chapter increased member engagement and recruitment by focusing on membership value. The chapter used surveys to gather member data and used the information to realign its programming, resources and communications with the needs of its members.

  • Central Oklahoma - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2015

CHARLOTTE CHAPTER: Chapter Ambassadors Program

SUMMARY: To attract and retain members, the chapter desired to create a reputation of being a warm and welcoming chapter through the Ambassador’s program. Duties of the ambassadors include greeting new members and guests as they arrive at chapter meetings, uncovering why they chose to attend the event, and assisting them in connecting with members and chapter resources. The ambassador group also designs ice breaker activities for each meeting that help members to learn more about each other and add fun to networking.

  • Charlotte - SOS Submission Form

  • Charlotte - Chapter Ambassador Description

YEAR: 2014

SAN ANTONIO CHAPTER: Checklist for Volunteers

SUMMARY: In an effort to ensure the smooth flow of their events, the San Antonio chapter created a checklist to guide event planning and guarantee the completion of task items.

  • San Antonio - Submission Form

  • San Antonio - Monthly Meeting Checklist

YEAR: 2013


SUMMARY: The chapter implemented a new member orientation to ensure that new chapter members were aware of all the local benefits. This process ensures that all their new members are engaged from day one.

  • Chicagoland - Student Giveaways Submission Form

YEAR: 2012


SUMMARY: To encourage volunteer engagement, the chapter instituted a Chapter Points program four years ago. Members earn points for attending programs, volunteering for different committees or sponsoring events. At the end of the year, the top five volunteers are recognized with certificates and tokens. The volunteer who has accumulated the most points during the year is awarded a certificate that can be redeemed for any ASTD certificate or education program.

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Submission

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Program Overview

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Tracking Grid

YEAR: 2012


SUMMARY: The chapter implemented programming that engaged members to help illustrate the value of active participation at the local and national levels. Using the popular "99-seconds" format, they programmed a chapter meeting that featured members sharing the value of their participation.

  • Greater Chattanooga - SOS Submission Form

  • Greater Chattanooga - 99 Seconds Program Evaluation

YEAR: 2012

CHARLOTTE CHAPTER: Virtual Guest Pass Program

SUMMARY: The Charlotte chapter budgeted to allow each member to potentially bring one guest to any chapter program during the year. This was a marketing effort toward member recruitment.

  • Charlotte – SOS Submission Form

  • Charlotte – Bring a Guest Announcement

YEAR: 2010

RESEARCH TRIANGLE CHAPTER: Munch & Mingles (No-Cost Networking)

SUMMARY: Munch & Mingles are easy to coordinate events which are free to members; the only cost is name tags. Since you don’t have to reserve a meeting space, you don’t have to be concerned about registration, venue/meal costs or other logistics. We invite members and non-members to attend this event. Many needs are addressed by these events such as the recruitment of new members.

  • Research Triangle Area – SOS Submission Form

  • Research Triangle Area - M&M Event Mailer

  • Research Triangle Area - M&M Logo

  • Research Triangle Area - M&M Save the Date

  • Research Triangle Area - Event Sign

YEAR: 2009

CHATTANOOGA CHAPTER: Chapter Membership Directory

SUMMARY: The Chattanooga chapter began documenting and saving all relevant chapter member contact information into one platform. This allowed for ease of contacting these training professionals.

  • Chattanooga - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2009

RESEARCH TRIANGLE AREA CHAPTER: Member Value, Engagement, & Development

SUMMARY: During 2006 the Research Triangle Area chapter experienced a decline in membership by 13% and decided to focus efforts on increasing value, engagement and development of members as a way to retain existing members and attract new members.

  • Research Triangle Area - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2009


SUMMARY: The chapter added meeting information (time, location, map, web URL) to back of chapter leadership business cards. On front of card, they added "Attend one meeting free with this card."

  • Springfield Branson - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2009

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: VIP (Very Involved Person) Bucks!

SUMMARY: The VIP Bucks program was developed to encourage participation in chapter events, especially participation in committees. Members can use their VIP Bucks to bid on silent auction items at events and pay for monthly programs.

  • Central Indiana - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Indiana - VIP Bucks Tracking Sheet

  • Central Indiana - Volunteer Bucks

  • Central Indiana - VIP Bucks Sample

YEAR: 2008


SUMMARY: The Eastern Pennsylvania store allows the chapter to offer members logo merchandise specific to their chapter. There are no upfront costs, and the chapter chooses the percentage at which to markup items, and receives a monthly check for earned revenue. The store has proven to be a great way to increase chapter pride and visibility while adding revenue to the chapter.

  • Eastern Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2007

MIDLANDS CHAPTER: Admit One Guest Pass

SUMMARY: The Midlands Chapter posted a “guest pass” on their website for prospective members to attend a free meeting. After meetings, the chapter follows up with prospects that use the passes and has experienced a 38 percent conversion rate of pass users becoming members.

  • Midlands - SOS Submission Form

  • Midlands - Free Meeting Ticket

  • Midlands - Ticket Roster Sample

YEAR: 2007

Research Triangle Area: A Special Thank You For Renewing Members

A goal of the Research Triangle Area Chapter was to create a sense of belonging and community for its membership and to focus on retention. They wanted to give its renewing members a special 'thank you' and let them know they are a valued member of the chapter. To achieve this, the chapter created an email that is sent out to newly renewed members that features a quick video from the announcer of their local NHL Hockey team thanking members for renewing their membership. The video gives special appreciation for its members while fostering more community engagement.

  • Research Triangle - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2021

MADISON AREA CHAPTER: Book Swap As a Value-Add

SUMMARY: The Madison Area chapter incorporated a book swap into its annual summer social to increase engagement and add value for members. Attendees were encouraged to arrive at the social with a professional development book they found to be particularly impactful and a brief review summarizing their take-aways. The chapter also gave out bookmarks listing their remaining 2019 programs as a way to further encourage people to engage with the chapter. As a result of adding the book swap, the social’s attendance doubled, the chapter collected books that can be used as future giveaways, and the remaining books were donated to a local library.

  • Madison Area - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2019

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: Pre- and Post-ATD 2019 Members Huddle

SUMMARY: As a service to chapter members and nonmembers, the Central Pennsylvania Chapter organized pre and post-conference huddles to discuss the ATD International Conference & Exposition. During the preconference huddle, experienced conference-goers shared tips and tricks for planning your conference experience. At the post-conference event, attendees shared their thoughts about interesting sessions and “aha” moments. Veteran and first-time conference attendees benefited from the huddles. In addition, the chapter had an opportunity to engage and recruit potential members.

  • Central Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2019

HAWAII CHAPTER: Our Learning Voyage!

SUMMARY: Over the years, the chapter found that free and low-cost learning programs were inadvertently creating a situation in which members could register then opt to not attend without consequence. This policy negatively impacted facilitators and room costs and limited the amount of networking opportunities for members who did attend. The board chose to reward those who attended by creating a map with 12 learning programs on it, each with a direct tie to an ATD area of expertise (AOE). It visually displays the voyage from learning program to learning program for the year. In addition to a stamping feature to encourage attendance, the map was posted on the chapter website so every member would be encouraged to attend events. Members who received seven or more stamps were entered into a drawing for a free annual Hawaii Chapter membership for themselves and a colleague of their choice, a $110 value.

  • Hawaii - SOS Submission Form

  • Hawaii - Learning Voyage Map

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: At each of the monthly events, the chapter gives away a speaker-selected book that the winner can grow from through reading and a basket with two bottles of wine. The giveaway helps promote the profession while making it fun. The chapter collects attendees' business cards, and the speaker randomly selects a card to identify the “Read Between the Wines” winner. The speaker gets to keep the business cards for networking and/or for possible prospecting. Anecdotal feedback from both speakers and attendees shows that all parties enjoy the initiative.

  • Florida Suncoast - SOS Submissions Form

YEAR: 2017

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Member Engagement Punch Cards

SUMMARY: To engage members more and connect them with the chapter, the board created a punch card incentive system. Members can fill in their cards by attending programs, volunteering, and bringing guests. At the annual conference, everyone who has filled all 12 spaces on the card is entered into a raffle for a high-dollar prize such as an ATD Certificate course. The chapter made it easy for everyone to participate and has received positive feedback.

  • Central Indiana - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2017


SUMMARY: The chapter partnered with a local printing/engraving business to provide professional name badges to all members within three days of joining the chapter. The name badge cost is included in the membership price. In the new member application, the member identifies what information they want printed on the badge. New members are presented their badge and welcomed to the chapter at the next professional development event. Annually, members who do not pick up their badge will receive it in the mail. The chapter is not taking on any cost for this initiative, and members love wearing their badges to other events outside of the chapter. The chapter has gained additional members from the free advertising.

  • Florida Suncoast - SOS Submission Form

  • Florida Suncoast - Name Badge Photo

YEAR: 2016

CASCADIA CHAPTER: Name Badges Showing Member Status

SUMMARY: The chapter created various designs of name badges to recognize chapter members at events. The effort is another way to publicly support, acknowledge, and appreciate its members.

  • Cascadia - SOS Submission Form

  • Cascadia - Name Tag Template

YEAR: 2016


SUMMARY: The Eastern Pennsylvania store allows the chapter to offer members logo merchandise specific to their chapter. There are no upfront costs, and the chapter chooses the percentage at which to markup items, and receives a monthly check for earned revenue. The store has proven to be a great way to increase chapter pride and visibility while adding revenue to the chapter.

  • Eastern Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2007

BUFFALO NIAGARA CHAPTER: Marketing a Project-Based, Event-Planning Internship

In 2022, the Buffalo Niagara Chapter recruited a college intern to support the planning and implementation of the chapter’s hybrid conference. The intern received membership in the chapter and 120 hours of work experience throughout the semester. They worked closely with the Special Projects Chair to support speaker coordination, conference logistics, social media and web design, and post-event assessment. To recruit for the position, the chapter developed a clear outline of how to best market the opportunity, including a clear description of the role, its benefits, and the desired candidate. The chapter also used several promotion techniques to reach its target demographic, such as posting in online databases, engaging with professional associations, and reaching out to local universities. As a result, the chapter conducted a successful conference with a high attendee satisfaction rate, increased its membership, and developed promising partnerships with local colleges and universities.

YEAR: 2023

NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Train Your Board to Recruit!

In recent years, the Nebraska Chapter has experienced high annual volunteer turnover, especially among new board members who were less than one year into their term. In response to concerns around volunteer retention, the chapter designed and implemented a recruitment training for their board. The goal of this training was to enable board members to feel more confident in finding volunteers to serve on the board or in other chapter leadership positions. It also allowed the board time to share their motivation for volunteering, generate excitement for a return to in-person service, and standardize expectations around what it means to serve on the board and how to best prepare new board members for success. As a result of the new training process, the chapter has seen an almost 30% reduction in volunteer turnover and an increase in volunteer referrals from board members. The board even had to start a waitlist to join the board because of increased interested in volunteering.

YEAR: 2022

KANSAS CITY CHAPTER: Annual Volunteer Social Media Campaign

The Kansas City Chapter created a unique way to encourage chapter volunteers to share their new roles on LinkedIn. To celebrate the new volunteers and raise awareness for the chapter, they used Canva to design and provide a branded graphic to incoming board members and volunteers to post on LinkedIn. When new volunteers posted about their accomplishments, they also tagged the chapter. Due to this campaign, the chapter’s LinkedIn views increased rapidly by 575 percent and unique visitors by 425 percent. In the 30 days after, engagement on other chapter posts had increased by 348 percent, comments increased by 262 percent, and shares increased by 114 percent. Additionally, the chapter’s LinkedIn page gained 16 new followers, bringing the total number to 320.

  • Kansas City - SOS Submission Form

  • Kansas City - Board Of Directors Graphic

  • Kansas City - Volunteer Graphic

YEAR: 2021

NEW YORK CITY: Using Associate Vice President (AVP) to Attract Volunteers and Succession Planning

SUMMARY: The New York City chapter developed a volunteer strategy to engage more members and shift volunteers to board members. The chapter created multiple associate vice president (AVP) roles to get those interested in volunteering involved in an entry-level volunteer position. AVPs assist a specific vice president with operations, administration, and logistics. The opportunity gives the AVP the ability to take ownership of projects and for vice presidents to include them in further leadership development opportunities. The chapter set up a clear and defined role description and expectations. They marketed the opportunity to its membership and received a lot of interest. Since the execution of the AVP volunteer strategy, several of the AVPs have moved into board positions.

  • New York City - SOS Submission Form

  • New York City - Associate Vice President Role Description

  • New York City - ATD NYC Newsletter Teaser

YEAR: 2020

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER: Networking Through Nonprofit Partnership

SUMMARY: Based on feedback from the chapter’s annual member survey, members suggested partnering with nonprofit organizations for a volunteer and networking opportunity. The board worked with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to set up an event that provided both organizations exposure to community members. Fifteen people participated in the two-hour event, and the chapter provided refreshments.

  • Central Pennsylvania - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Testimonials

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Ad

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #1

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #2

  • Central Pennsylvania - Event Picture #3

YEAR: 2018

PIKES PEAK CHAPTER: Bringing ALC to Pikes Peak ATD Members

SUMMARY: To bring information from the 2017 ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC) back to the chapter and deliver conference value, the chapter leaders who attended created a web-based compilation of information using Storify. The conference Storify shared key points from each session with chapter members who did not attend and demonstrated value of attendance at ALC to prospective board members. The Storify increased the chapter’s Twitter reach and momentum during and after the conference as well as spurred new programming ideas for next year.

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: The Charlotte Chapter Board of Directors recognized the need for more resources to help effectively manage the chapter. The board also believed having members actively participate in chapter activities would increase the likelihood of their renewing and provide “bench strength” for future board roles. To address these the needs, the chapter created a Volunteer Fair held during the networking portion of a regular chapter meeting. The fair resulted in ten new committee members enlisting to help support the chapter.

  • Charlotte - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2014

BATON ROUGE CHAPTER: Volunteer Recruitment

SUMMARY: The Baton Rouge Chapter traditionally experienced high involvement from board members, but had few consistent non-board volunteers. To help encourage and promote volunteer opportunities within the chapter, chapter leadership decided to identify and promote specific volunteer opportunities within the chapter. The chapter developed a Volunteer Opportunity Information Sheet, which describes the opportunity, outlines realistic time commitments required for the opportunity, and aligns the opportunity with competencies that are used.

  • Baton Rouge - Chapter Volunteer Recruitment Submission Form

YEAR: 2013

MARYLAND CHAPTERLeveraging Wild Apricot to Identify Volunteers

SUMMARY: The Maryland Chapter included a question on their membership application that asks new members if they are interested in being contacted about serving as a volunteer for the chapter. Using Wild Apricot, chapter leaders set up a query that quickly identified all members who answered “yes” so they could be followed up with immediately.

  • Maryland - Identifying Volunteers Submission Form

YEAR: 2012


SUMMARY: To encourage volunteer engagement, the chapter instituted a Chapter Points program four years ago. Members earn points for attending programs, volunteering for different committees or sponsoring events. At the end of the year, the top five volunteers are recognized with certificates and tokens. The volunteer who has accumulated the most points during the year is awarded a certificate that can be redeemed for any ASTD certificate or education program.

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Submission

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Program Overview

  • Greater Cleveland - Chapter Points Tracking Grid

YEAR: 2012

MIDLANDS CHAPTER: Identifying Volunteers

SUMMARY: The Midlands Chapter shared their best practice methods of identifying quality volunteers to serve in chapter leadership positions. This process addressed the need that board directors and committee chairs regularly had when trying to increase the chapter’s volunteer pool each year.

  • Midlands - Identifying Volunteers Submission

  • Midlands - Member Services Checklist

YEAR: 2012

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: VIP (Very Involved Person) Bucks!

SUMMARY: The VIP Bucks program was developed to encourage participation in chapter events, especially participation in committees. Members can use their VIP Bucks to bid on silent auction items at events and pay for monthly programs.

  • Central Indiana - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Indiana - VIP Bucks Tracking Sheet

  • Central Indiana - Volunteer Bucks

  • Central Indiana - VIP Bucks Sample

YEAR: 2008

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