October 2020
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The Buzz

For Better Hiring Outcomes, Focus on the “What” Instead of the “Who” in Job Postings

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The hiring process is crucial to an organization’s success. So why is so little thought given to job postings? According to a recent Gallup audit of one organization, only 5 percent of the company’s hiring managers and recruits strongly agreed that the company’s job postings were an accurate reflection of the role’s actual responsibilities and demands. One of the biggest problems is that oftentimes job postings focus too much on who the company wants to hire versus what the job technically is. Avoid using phrases like, “We're looking for a rock star,” or “We need someone who can think on their feet,” and instead focus on the work the employee will do. “We need someone who can communicate strategically to explain complex ideas in meaningful ways,” or “We need someone to motivate team members with logical next steps.” This gives the job seeker an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to perform the tasks of the job instead of masquerading as who they think the organization is looking for.

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